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A member registered Feb 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks. We had a bunch of ideas that we had to leave behind because of time constraints. So the plan is to riff on the starting idea, add some quality of life features like keyboard shortcuts, more content ect. Although I'll definitely need to refactor the code some what. Thanks for playing.

Really cool game, well executed. It played super well on my phone. I always like to give suggestions or ideas for improvements but im not sure what to say as it seems like the perfect game jam game. Maybe more modes and levels? Idk, cool entry.

Its an interesting idea. I really liked the design of Sisyphus. I wish there was a way to restart from the beginning without a browser reset. Good game, congrats.

I've never noticed the mouse locking before, thanks for pointing it out. Thanks for playing.

Cool art style, nice music. I couldn't quite figure out why the fireflys would stop following me at times. Good game, congrats on finishing.

Really loved that hand drawn art style, the music was cool as well. I had an issue with the screen size, it was bigger than my laptop screen and I didn't have a way to change it. That meant I couldn't click certain buttons. I think it would be interesting if the lower difficulties had smaller words. I struggled at the lowest difficulty, but i'm also a very bad speller. So that could just be a skill issue on my part. Good game congrats.

Nice visuals, the sound affects help sell the game setting. I think maybe use of the grainy old TV shader was a bit too heavy. Good game, congrats on finishing.

Nice rogue like. I the gameplay felt smooth, the intro cutscene at the beginning was defiantly a nice touch. I would add a way to skip the intro cutscene on repeats of the game. Good game, congrats. 

Really cool art and setting. As other people mentioned, the difficulty at the beginning is a bit much as I kept on dying over and over on the second drop. Good game, congrats on finishing.

Really great vibes. The art, the text and the music all work really well together. I was confused by the controls, I wasn't clear on why my guns where loaded or fired. So I just started button mashing and that seemed to work. Good game, congrats on finishing.

Making a 3d game in Phaser is really impressive. There's some nice music. The idea of freeing the land with your magic power is  interesting. I think to bring the game to the next level, there could have been a bit of story (inside the game) to explain why we're doing what were doing. Also, the enemies feel a bit spongy at times, and it would have been nice if there was some sound affects to give feedback on projectile impacts. Good game, congrats on your entry.

Cool movement puzzle game. Good variety of levels. I think the game could have been improved if you added a bit of music, and maybe a bit of feedback when the character dies. Good entry, congrats.

Really cool game. The way you did the tutorial level at the beginning was very clever. The was a robust upgrade system that made it worth while continuing and fighting harder enemies. I think would have helped the experience if you had a short background track to lost yourself in whilst circling around shooting at enemies. Also, maybe the hitboxes for the cells could have been a bit larger to make it easier to pick them up whilst moving around. Good jam entry.

Flock yeah, good game. I liked the minimalist art style for the fish. I think it might have been interesting to add different features in the water, like some coral reefs ect, just the break up the blue a little bit. As it felt like i was getting anywhere at times whilst looking for food. I think maybe the speeds of the fish you control needs tweaking a bit. This has potential though. Congrats on finishing.

Nice collection of mini games here. There was a lot of work put into this. I think there could have been more polish in certain areas. For instance, the scene transitions between games could have been less abrupt. Also some levels bugged out for me when it would take me to a level then id instantly lose. Congrats on finishing.

Yeah, I watched a friend play it the day before the deadline and saw the same thing. But on that last day I just couldn't bring myself to add anything more to the game so close to closing. Im planning for a little post jam release to add that. Thanks for playing.

Yeah some kind of restart button would have ideal. Thanks for playing.

Thanks, im glad you enjoyed it. I think we have a vauge plan to do a post jam build to fix a lot of issues and make the game longer and more replayable, so you might have an opportunity to play a full version of this. Thanks for playing.

Really, really, incredibly good. Probably my favourite entry in this jam so far. I was always on the verge of losing, as a result I was really invested in winning the boss battles every few rounds. My only suggestion would be to make the icons a bit clearer, maybe the mana producer should have had beaker icon or something as I kept getting mixed up between that and the building that slows knights down. 10/10 would play again.  

This seemed like it would be a really fun game on the switch. I thought the setting and the background you gave the game was very funny. I think gets really difficult really quick, maybe it should ramp up a little bit more. Starting easier then getting more difficult. Good game, would play again.

Really cool puzzle platformer, very strong visual design. I found the fonts a bit tricky to read at time as sometimes the edges of letters where almost faded out. On pc I think it might have helped if there was a button the stop the character if they're near an active intercom. As flipping between trying to press the character whilst they're running and turning on the power at the door can be tricky.  The story elements where also very good. All in all, great entry.

Really cool puzzle game, very impressive visual style and UI design. I kind of wished there was a skip level button to get to the later puzzles. 10/10 great entry. 

The sword is very satisfying once you have a few of those upgrades in. The arts also very strong. As mentioned in other comments mentioned, it kind of needs enemies of some kind to ramp up the difficulty and have a reason to keep playing. I also think it might be interesting if the things you collected from the trees and rocks could be used to buy specific upgrades and stuff. It's a very good start to a game. Congrats.

Visuals are very appealing, the sound design was very good. The design of the main character was pretty cool.  I think it has a lot of protentional if you where to develop this into a full game. Two things I noticed, its easy to get stuck in rock when teleporting, and I think the enemies don't take damage unless they can visibly see you (I might be wrong on that, its just what I thought I could see when attacking one of the enemies). Good entry, congrats.

So, once I got the game to work properly it was a cool game jam entry. Nice visual style, you mixed it up with the boss which was good. But, I had to spend five minutes refreshing the game, looking through the comments ect trying to get the game to work. Once it worked it was pretty good, it was just those bugs id work on in future. Good entry. 

It's wild that you made this in two days. The music and art style reminded me of Undertale. The car was enjoyable to control. Maybe it would have been cool if it remembered your high score, so that you could keep trying to beet yourself idk. Very good game jam entry. Congrats. 

It's really weird, and I like that. The use of ai to make the dialogues is very different and innovative. As a game though, i'm not sure what I was supposed to do, if anything. But I guess it's more of a demo to get the ai dialogue system working? In which case you've done well. Congrats.

I was more invested in this dogs health than my own. Really creative idea, cool art style. The game has a lot of character. I think to improve the game, you should maybe have to do different button combos for each exercise. So instead of just mashing space on both of them, maybe on deadlift you have to press E and P in quick succession or something. Just to mix things up. Great entry, congrats.

I like idea of your game and you've done some cool cover art. I found the game itself a little impenetrable though. I think a quick tutorial could have definitely helped here. Or a quick story beet about why we're doing a ritual of summoning. Congrats on finishing a game within the time.

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From the visuals, to the subject matter the game is very quirky, I love it. I wish there was some indication of where to place the flyers before hand. Like, maybe the post changes size based on scale or something. As it stands placement felt a bit random. Very good game though, congrats.  

Pretty cool for your first game jam entry. I'll say the difficulty could of been toned down a little, especially at the beginning. I retried a few times and I was barely able to kill anything. I think you should have made the projectiles fire in the direction the mouse was pointing in instead of the direction of the ship. Or zoomed out a little, given a bit more manoeuvre space for the player so that the game was closer to asteroids. Nice addition of the freeze time feature. 

Very cool visual style that paired well with the music. A part of me wonders if the enemies came at you a bit faster it would have more of a bullet hell kind of vibe. Idk. Good entry. 

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Very cool idea. I found that I could hook the rc car with to the helicopter and fly it across the finish line. Not sure if that was intended, but it was funny none the less. Good entry.

I absolutely clutched that last level. The visual style worked very well, and there was interesting core mechanics at play. 10/10 would play again.

Luzy sure does love her screens. Really nice visual style and music. I think maybe the game would have flowed a bit better if you could turn everything off and on again with one click. Instead of clicking on something, it then brings up a box with an on off switch. And on the devices that need charging, it could maybe have like a red battery warning that indicates weather it needs charging without having to click on it first. Very cool entry, fits the theme well, congrats.

Very slick retro vibes with the music and art style. The platforming felt enjoyable. I did find that the best strategy for me was to just dodge as many enemies as possible. Maybe if enemies had a chance of dropping batteries that give you energy that could of incentivised combat a bit more? Cool entry though, congrats. 

Really cool environments and visuals on display here, top notch stuff with the sound design. I think it might have been interesting  if, instead of stopping to fight the red squids, you can attack whilst moving. Forcing the player to get attack timing down, as well as the moving timing. Very good entry, congrats. 

Hi, im glad you enjoyed it. There are health bars on the heros, but they're very small, and the green colour means they get drowned out in the background. If I was to have another crack at it I would defiantly make it clearer. Thanks for playing. 

Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, the way the targeting code is supposed to work is that it will just shoot at the nearest target. Which it does do, if you place the immortal zombie above or below the sniper (I think). But it doesn't if its to the left or of the sniper. I'll look at that at some point. Thanks for playing.

Excellent vibes all round, great music and sound design plus very cute visuals. I found the controls the right amount of difficult to provide a challenge. If this was a full game, itd be interesting to see more varied enviroments to navigate instead of just a living room. This is a great game jam game though, congrats.