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A member registered Oct 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think this was one of the most aesthetically pleasing games of the jam! Polished, fun, and satisfying. Great entry!

Fun little puzzler. I really enjoyed and appreciated the level of polish you put into the animations and sounds. Great job!

Simple, but well done. I think it would've been worth the time to add a background of some sort, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

I really liked the arcade aesthetic, especially the hud. I think the difficulty could ramp up more, I spent a long time just holding a direction and firing without much of a challenge. 

The sand seems to rise too fast, making the game impossible at a certain point, but a fun little challenge nonetheless. 

I really liked the sound design, look, and feel of the game. This was a very literal, but great take on the theme. Unfortunately, you can just hold any object under you and spam jump to bypass most obstacles, but I realize dealing with all the edge cases of a physics system in a jam is pretty much impossible. Great job though, I really liked this one.

Solid idea well-executed! I enjoyed timing the instant-catch mechanic. Only issue I had was that the music was a little repetitive, but it was great otherwise.

Fun little game here! I really liked the art, but I wish there was a little more to the gameplay and sound, but good job!

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I really enjoyed this one, felt very polished and a nice little, bite-sized story. The text was a little hard to read at times, but it wasn't a big deal. Good job.

I really enjoyed the retro aesthetic, but there is an issue where if you die, there's a chance to spawn right next to an obstacle and instantly die again. An easy fix would just be to make the player invincible for the first couple of seconds, or not have obstacles start in the middle of the screen for the snake section. I enjoyed the variety of the other minigames though! Great job.

Nice to see another Unreal project in the jam! I liked the assets and music, but I think the game would've benefited from disabling motion blur. As others have mentioned, I didn't realize I could let go of animals, but after learning that, I started to enjoy the game. Good job.

Agreed, more powerups would've been nice. Spending the collected scales is another interesting idea.

I think this game is SO CLOSE to being SO GOOD. The art and concept are both fantastic, but the only issue I had was actually controlling the little dudes. Sometimes like 6 would drop at once, so I would quickly try to grab and move them, but it felt really inconsistent if they would be thrown or placed. I think having to manage the scales is a great idea, but I think some other gameplay element should be added and managed instead of  focusing all of the difficulty into just dropping a ton of little dudes all at once on one of the platforms. Really great idea!

Hey! Another 2.5D game in this game jam! I'm pretty biased when I say this, but I do really like how your game looks. It did feel awkward pushing/pulling boxes, but I think there is a solid base here. Nicely done.

This is really impressive for a jam, feels like this could be turned into a full card game! Nicely done.

This game was hard! Some of the obstacles felt nearly unavoidable but I think the idea of slipping and sliding around a courthouse to get where you need to be is a funny concept. I think replacing those default UI elements really would've helped spruce up the game's look. I enjoyed it, funny entry.

I like the idea of a sifu type platforming game where some element of the game changes based on your age. I liked the music and the sprites of the characters, but the background looked a bit rough at times. This game is hard! I think in several spots, I was either too young/old to get where I needed to be, so I think it's challenging to design levels with that in mind. This is an ambitious idea, and I think this was a decent stab at it. Overall, I had fun and I think this is an idea worth exploring. Nice!

I love tetris, so I loved this game! Clever twist on a classic. I would have appreciated being able to spin the piece in the direction I wanted (clockwise and counter-clockwise) but it was still fine. I also think the game could've benefited from speeding up the gameplay and quickly!  Make the player panic!

Surprisingly addictive (number and character go up!). I think the game could've benefited from being a bit more frantic, but I did enjoy the more strategic pacing. Can't argue with your take on the theme!

  Cool aesthetic! The camera was very hard to control with both keyboard and mouse, but I really liked the look of the game. This was very impressive for a game jam. Good job!

Fun and frantic, I think the controls and UI could use some refinement, but I really liked this take on the theme, very unique!

I really liked the dynamic lighting/shadows with the 2D art, super cool. There is a bug where if you jump and then jump again off some surfaces you go really high into the air, but great job.

Graphics are great, but I can tell you didn't quite finish it. The bones are there though! You should stick with it, because I like the concept.

I really appreciated the graphics and self-made sound effects, very funny. I was pretty confused at first, but the concept is solid.

Pretty funny. I really like the idea of having to manage your massive head to navigate a level. With some more polish, this could be a really fun game.

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Wow! Very ambitious. We also made our game in Unreal, so I have some advice. You seemed to have packaged the game in the development configuration, which is why I can see some debug lines, able to enter console commands, and the size of the zip file is quite large; use the shipping config unless you had some issues with that build. I was also able to fall through the map at several points which was a little frustrating. Making a full 3D game with unreal for a game jam is really difficult, so I applaud the effort; however, I think that means you should limit your scope. Unreal is hard, and you tried to do a lot! Good job on the progress you did make!

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I was interested in the game, but I wasn't able to figure it out. I had no weapons and couldn't find anything else to do? Also, the enemies can just stack on top of you, and once they collide with you and damage you, they stop damaging you. It should be changed so enemies can continually attack you if you're in their attack range.  The game also crashed whenever I ran into the smaller enemies.

Cute art and good take on the theme.  You should be able to hide the mouse cursor within unity fairly easily, but good job.

I like the vibe, but I really wish there was some gameplay element to both collecting the notes and using the notes other than just a drag and drop. I liked the look of this entry too, good job.

Nice chill game. I saw some visual issues with seams between blocks and the jump felt very delayed, but I liked the take on the theme. I really liked the look of the dialogue frames as well.

I enjoyed the fast-paced nature of the game, but I encountered a bug where my character got stuck in the platform unfortunately.  The dash was also very loud compared to the rest of the game.

One of my favorite looking games from this jam! I really liked the aesthetic, but I wish the gameplay was just a bit more difficult. Good Job!

This almost felt like a full game! I enjoyed the puzzles and art style. Nice!

Really cool atmosphere. I do think the game could've greatly benefited from a tutorial; it took me several runs to truly figure out what was going on. Reading the cards was a pain too, but I understand the aesthetic reasoning behind only showing the text on mouse hover. Very unique entry.

Game felt very polished for a game jam entry. I really enjoyed the art and gameplay.  Great job!

Solid little pinball game, although a few times the pinball would seem to go through objects (including my flipper) at fast speeds.

I like the idea of having to balance picking up the drops vs going fast, but the camera controls with and without the controller were really rough and floaty. I really liked the main menu and transitions though.

Need to make source code available on Github.

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The art direction was a really smart choice for a game jam. I think some of the levels could have been removed, since several were the same ideas just repeated with slight variations, the repetition started to set in pretty quickly when the same idea of: Jump-> Inflate -> Switch -> Double Jump -> Switch Characters,  was happening every level. Having a few really thought out and interesting levels would've been far more compelling than 30 uninteresting levels (quality over quantity). I also think the controls were pretty rough; having everything bound to where only one hand could control felt really awkward. Despite all that, this game was a solid entry, good job.

Reminds me of that one smash bros stage! I think the idea is good, but I was this felt more frantic; I think changing the music and speeding up the camera would help do this.