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A member registered Jul 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Haha yeah, random kids with a Raspberry are potential customers too! Take your time, just wanted to let you know 👍

Thank you very much! I have medium sized world chunks with lots of trees. I don’t have real performance “problems” yet, but there are way too many rendering batches. As things keep growing it might become a bottleneck soon, expecially on lower end hardware.

Hey, I like these assets a lot, but could you fix the UVs? I’m trying to bake all assets with the same material to save processing time, and they break pretty bad. Seems to be a problem with UVs being overlapped and out of bounds.

(1 edit)

Thank you! This jam was a big experiment, as most of us are not used to working with Unreal, and the audio implementation was a bit unusual too.

I’m glad the visuals are making up for the missing content for now. We are going to update the game to match the intended experience as soon as the voting period ends!

Thank you for playing and featuring us in your video. Watching an external playtest was very insightful!

Thank you! This one took a lot of work, I’m glad that you like it!

This reminds me “FAITH: The Unholy Trinity” a lot. Great visuals and extra credit for making it by yourself!

Cool animations and use of the theme. Throwing stuff back at supermarket monsters is pretty fun!

The mix of camera lerp and pixelated rendering feels a bit messy, but the game is pretty solid. Great job!

Great art style and pretty solid bosses. The cold / warmth between fights and hub really sells a vibe. Liked the film effect too.

I love it! Visuals are great, gameplay is fun (bit too hard maybe), music is catchy. Keep going!

The movement is kinda confusing, some background would help

I really like the visuals, great work! It lacks some stronger feedback when hits are landed, and music would help creating some atmosphere.

Very fun game, and interesting use of the theme!

Enemy AI is a bit hardcore, bot it’s super catchy and fun! I liked graphics and music as well!

As said by others before, bosses are a bit too static. Liked the art!

I really liked the aestethic!

I loved every pixel! Would dig a full release! Also I got stuck in the air and could not progress after collecting the blood of the spiked-ball-head boss.

Really liked the art style!

This is a great idea, but from some angles it’s hard to tell the position of bullets. They need to cast some shadow on the ground.

Very unique and has great atmosphere. I enjoyed the dialogues too. It’s nice to see some other strategy game in this jam.

The laser has sound too, but in the final rush we forgot to implement it. Also the theme was tied to narrative, but we had to cut it last minute :/

Great visuals and quite fun to play, but the camera feels a bit too close to the player: it’s difficult to keep track of where the boss is

I had fun beating the first two guys, and I was surprised to see there is even UI to edit you deck! Great job!

I like the silhouettes, great visual choice! Animations are also great!

I genuinely loved the graphics and general mood! Gameplay was a little weird though. I couldn’t die when getting attacked and it lacks feedback when hits land.

Great boss aesthetics, but I couldn’t figure out how to change polarity

I had a ton of fun! It’s better played with a controller

The attack pause is meant for selecting a unit to use the exchange ability with (or cancel and carry on the attack). This reminds me the game needs a page description, I’m going to add it soon. Thank you for playing, and for your kind words!

About one month. It is my first Godot project outside of tutorials, took some time to figure out stuff and tune gameplay

Really appreciated!

Ok thank you!
I take the chance to mention that at the moment it's very difficult to retrieve informations from the page. Dividing it in sections and making some bullet lists would help a lot.

In the body of the page is said that the jam lasts till Sep 3rd doesn't exist

Cool game, loved the squishy controls!

Good mechanics and art style! It's cool how health is linked to the light strength

Cool art style and gameplay idea, was a bit too easy though

I liked the linked attack and health resources. Collisions sometimes are buggy, I got inside the walls at some point.

I liked the minimalistic approach, really cool graphics too! Good job!

Awesome graphics! Very atmospheric!