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Infinito Projects

A member registered Jan 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you! :) 

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for your feedback and gameplay video! Your comments have made my day.

I’ll implement several changes for version 0.05d based on your suggestions. I'll make the dungeon floors smaller and hide elements until they are necessary to create a better learning curve.

I noticed you didn’t use the keyboard shortcuts to add actions. This feature was added in version 0.04d, but I’ll address it in the tutorial.

I also understand your point about the overwhelming information. For the first dungeon, I’ll create a smaller 7x7 area and use empty space to explain dungeon and UI elements.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback. It has given me great ideas to enhance the game!

(2 edits)

Hi Smurjo. thank you for trying out the game, but i feel like you never pressed Play to get the Player to following the Blue Lines, as in giving where the player should move when you start Play Mode, Button top left*, maybe i need to explain little more, blue Queue lines on the Dungeon are free to go anywhere outside or in walls, since it's a puzzle like game you got to work out the path to take, and if you go into the play, as the Play moves around it will get the loop since he can't go in the walls.

First: Thank you for the Feedback! honestly this has just made may day, waking to a well thought out and played review :)

- HP Bar, in nearly every game I've worked on, I to always forget to untick "Interactable"! also reminds me it's time I get the HP Bars / MP bars working fully!

- I'm not sure how to go about fixing the several times needing to use attack action, to make it more noticeable that you need to attack more hmm, maybe I could make it once, I just feel that's part of calculation the Dmg you deal / the EnemyHP, part of the strategy of the game, since in the future you will have higher base Attack, meaning you'll be able to go back over your Queue and lower the Attacks needed, but i do kind of see the point on easier with just needing the 1 attack, or maybe just explain it better at the start on New Game.

- I was thinking on New Game to add a tutorial, which will go through all the PopUps ( Question Marks ) 1 by one, with Next button and only allow player to start playing once they have gone through.

- turbo mode is kind of in the game already, but in a different way, with the Levels / Bonus levels you can use your Available points to Upgrade Game Speed, how many moves per second, current set at 0.25, but also no cap atm on it, along as you have the levels / points, can run at 0.001, 1000 moves per second :P, Which i do plan to make 50 - 99 floors so upgrading game Speed will be truly needed.

- That's been mention a couple of times to me about the Queue System, but slightly different ways each time, that will be improved massively soon, just working on the UI add-on soon to show which Queue is Selected and upgrading the Dungeon Queue Grid to Flash on and off showing where you're at.

Thank you so much again for taking the time to play my game, and reviewing! <3 

(1 edit)

Hi, my games a bit like Loop heroes, where you'll strategize the best routes to take based on your current  Stats, Play, loop and improve, currently the Demo has 10 Floors.

other planned features if I continue for full release ( on Steam ) will be 99Floors, with Story mode about 2 Gods fighting each other over a chess board like game, but the game is the Dungeon itself. Player Built Dungeons, where you'll be able to make and publish your own dungeons. any feedback will be much appreciated <3

Hi, i send you a addie on Discord "Genial_Drake" :)

I lack art skills anyways, but the above art is really good now I can see it :P, ( most people don't like opening links ) I'm surprised you couldn't use blender to make a 3D model  yourself? my art skills are like level 1, while the above concept art is like level 7, I bet with a bit of practise you could make your own 3D models :)

why... ow why did you need to Troll me? could of been any other Enemy, but you give us a troll, to troll us :P, if only there was a way to attached pictures to this forum posts rather then a link, I'm guessing you need a programmer as well?

for myself it's not unreadable but I might have my screen Brightness to high, it's good to know i should consider that, things you don't think about when you make games alone :P thank you for the feedback :)

I even never thought about changing the fonts and been using Unity for 1 and half years.... always been default lol, thank you will look into it, 

Hi, I'm making a Idle Auto fighting game, with stats equipment ect, more for fun and to watch numbers go up :)

Need some feedback on the UI designs especially the Text Log, which I have not changed for weeks but just can't seem to think of how I personally could make it look better, as well as some feedback on how I can improve the code!