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Incontinent Cell

A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Your mental health is low

"TestFlight is an online service for over-the-air installation and testing of mobile applications, currently owned by Apple Inc. and only offered to developers within the iOS Developer Program."


The sideloading is pretty shit and won't allow nsfw games. Maybe in 10 years once eu cucks apple more.

You'd fall asleep eventually

Not enough headpats.

Maybe not sleeping, but some way to pass days faster would be good.
It will be fixed one day :)

There will be more things to do to pass time in the future updates. That should help with it.

There is no cap. You have to set your birthdate on discord to say you are over 18.

(1 edit)

That's the end of the plot for now.

Drugs do that.

Yes. Don't lie to the priestbot before investigation

Talk with her more.

(1 edit)

Also "このアニメは存在しません。私はあなたを騙しました" Means "This anime doesn't exist. I've tricked you."

Hmm you really can't as of now

Yes. If you get good ending.

That's there for balance reasons. Try different ways of earning money

When it's done

Would require rewriting big parts of the story, so probably won't happen.

There isn't a limit right now.

Read the devlogs.

Move your game somewhere else. Special characters in folder's name seem to break unity.

That's what happens when you lie to the priestbot before...

It is not. Set your age on discord. Server is 18+

Go make some yourself 

There is a guide on our discord

Perhaps one day

There's a mod for that on our discord.

There was a bug in 0.87.10 that caused some issues with packages. Try downloading the new update 0.87.11. It fixed that

That's his name. You can only pick what the bot calls you. Not his name.

When it's done.

It does work. Set your age on discord. You have to be over 18 as the server is nsfw.

One day.

Set your age on discord. Server is nsfw.

Here you go:

When it's ready :)