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Imaad Phoplunker

A member registered 99 days ago · View creator page →

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Vey cool game! I enjoyed the mechanics and the unique gameplay. Great job!

Great game! I was very impressed by the camera angle changes and the music and gameplay were very nice also. Solid work!

Thanks for playing!

Also, thanks for the feedback! If I update the game in the future, I'll try to add some better indication for the explosion. 25 is a reasonable score I think, so you didn't do too bad!

I'm glad you enjoyed!

I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for playing!

Fun game! I liked the art style and the audio. Nice work!

Thanks for playing!

Fun game! I liked the gameplay and the choice of weapons. Nice work!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Very nice game! I enjoyed the music and the gameplay. Good work!

Very cool game! I liked the hand-drawn art style and the gameplay. Great work!

Thanks for playing!

I'm glad you liked my scoring system and enjoyed my game!

I'm glad you enjoyed!

Also, I'm very impressed by your score! I'm happy that you liked the concept of the giant hummingbird and had fun with my game

Thanks for playing!

Cool game! I found the concept to be quite interesting and enjoyed the dialogue. Nice work!

I'm glad it made you smile!

I'm also happy you enjoyed my score mechanic! As someone who is bad at bullet-hell games myself, I decided to make the game completable for fellow members of the "Bad-at-bullet-hells club" whilst also not being too easy for others. Also, thanks for the feedback! I might consider a time component if I update in the future.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

Really cool game! A very unique idea with great visuals. Nice work!

Very cool game with great visuals! Great work!

Very cool game! I really liked the audio and the visuals. Great work!

Fun game! I liked the hectic gameplay. Nice work!

Fun game! I liked the movement mechanic and the music. Good work!

I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for playing!

Good game! I liked the visuals and the gameplay. Nice work!

I'm glad you liked the game!

Thanks for playing!

Very cool game! I liked the art style and enjoyed the gameplay too. Great work!

lol! Thanks for playing!

Very cool game! Liked the mechanics and the audio. Nice work!

Thanks for playing!

Very cool game! I liked the gameplay and atmosphere. Also enjoyed how you used the theme. Nice work!

Thanks for playing!

I'm glad you appreciated my implementation of the theme!

A very fun boat racing game! I liked the gameplay and the audio. Good job!

Thanks for playing!

Nice game! I liked the art and the sound effects. Good job!

Thanks for playing! I'll be sure to check out your game too

Cool game! I thought the idea was quite unique and I enjoyed the atmosphere. Nice work!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

A very cool twist on flappy bird! Very nice gameplay and I liked the voiceover. Nice work!

A fun bullet hell! I liked the bullet patterns and the gameplay. Nice work!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Very cool game! I enjoyed the art and gameplay, and also liked the atmosphere. Solid work!