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A member registered Oct 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks alot! I am trying to do vector art more using Inkscape! It's taking a while to get used to haha :)

Will try to take those into account ~

Just a bit busy these days! I plan to also add a tutorial so people aren't confused haha

I added the indicator to help show where to go~

As for the car control I followed a tutorial that uses something similar to how old GTA games used to be controlled.

It takes a bit to get used to haha! 

Great work on this game. Kinda crazy this was made in only 72 hours!

As said on the stream. I like the way you introduced mechanics without explicitly telling the player and having them to figure out what to do.

Very unique take on a platformer! Also good use of the mechanic.

I was really bad and couldn't pass the area where there are a bunch of gaps, I could pass the first 2 inconsistently.

but still fun nonetheless!

Great use of the grow mechanic! 

I wonder what the lore is of the two neighbours haha.

Added some initial progression to the game and level ups. See my dev log for details!

I am trying to think of powerups that would be cool. but not try to make this game completely automated.

actually I have hotkeys assigned right now 

F1 F2 F3 to change tools
123456 - to apply action to each of the planter box!

Thanks for playing! Let me know if you have feedback or suggestions!
Currently designing out a way of progression, but I want to make sure it feels right :)

Thanks alot for the feedback!

Thanks for giving me feedback! It's definitely rough and I appreciate you still checking it out.  I'll address the lack of instruction in my next update.

Just for context, you are running a shop that grows flowers for customers for different occasions. 

My current idea for the game is  making it incremental -- after you complete enough orders you'll rank up eventually.

Ranking up will give you:

- more orders you can do (which means more dialogue / plants to grow)

- unlocking different order types (i.e. completing an order in a short time,  choosing flower combinations to give to the customer)

Other than that I am still thinking more about fleshing it out. Just trying to keep it simple as I tend to go to wide too fast I feel.

Thanks again!

Hey ~ just wondering if I can get some feedback on my game. 

It's a small prototype:

I am trying to make a somewhat relaxing, chill game that me or others can play when they watch videos or want to relax. Not much commitment from their end. But just keeping their hands busy. A bit weird to say, but just an idea.

Questions I want to ask (answer any of them or none of them):

- Do you feel like the game is fun? If no, why not?

- Do you feel relaxed when playing the game? If no, why not?

- Would you play this game more if it had more content and progression? Or are you okay with randomized quests?

- What inclusions would you add to this game to make it more enticing?

- Any other feedback you have?

Refreshing take of an idle game.

Love it.

Some minor feedbacks:

- Buttons could change colors when purchasable

-  The hint text on the UI gets covered on the bottom

Neat game and very original!

Hope you continue to work on this ~ I could see it being sold as some sort of chill deduction game

Fun puzzle game! Easy to pick up too ~ 
It took me a hot minute to figure out the rotation thing. Would be nice to be able to use rotate to switch or something on that.


Fun game! I like how the stealth mechanic works.

Like others mentioned before I think it could do with some music. But all in all. Pleasant to play~

Main objective is to escape! It's a bit like a maze haha.

I no longer need to workout today

Love the workout session! 

Here's mine!

Love the gameplay and voice acting of the game. I could see the core gameplay being used for a western RPG with stories and dialogue!

Only notes I had is sometimes in the house it was easy for me to lose the player when fighting inside the houses. I think if the camera followed the player or maybe adding more contrast it might help~

I love the idea of the doors having traps and stuff behind it!

It makes it for a very fun and light game!

I think it would be cool to have the good doors to have special scenes behind them. Like someone giving you a power up. Or maybe they tell you what other doors are safe.

The only critical feedback I have on this is besides from using the powerups to prevent it I feel like the doors are too random. It might be nice to have tells. Maybe you hear murmuring behind the door. or a gun being loaded. Or scuff marks at the front of the door. And over time players can build up a mental map of what could possibly be behind those doors.

-- I think the tells might not need to just say it's good or bad (in a black / white sense), but maybe it could be a tell that it could be a good or bad. So that maybe they would want to strategize and just look for the definitive good doors first before they go for the more chancey doors.

Anyways, cheers, and good work!

I like the art style and atmosphere!
The only thing is I feel like the font was pretty hard to read.

This seems like chill game!

I've some feedback:

- Might be neat to be able to store ingredients that might be needed for later

- Maybe some recipes need ingredients in a particular order

- Knowing how much of what ingredient for a recipe would help (I got stuck on the pancake one)

- More movement / interactions options could make it a bit more fun. Like a dash or a run or a throw ingredient to pot.

Overall I think it's pretty unique and just want to say great work overall. I like the use of the theme in here.

(1 edit)

Heads up there is a known bug for web. If you alt tab or leave the games focus. Just pause the game and press the "resume" button and you should get your focus back!

(this is the issue where you see your mouse, but can't rotate the player)

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Great game! I happen to love the "whodunnit" genre so maybe I am biased. I had a blast playing it!

Small feedback is when they talk it'd be nice to have a little face next to who is talking. I sometimes get confused who is talking especially at the end!

Hall of toilets is where lots of people love to go!

This is probably one of the most creative and fun games I've played in a while.

The puzzles are very interesting and fun to do.  They are also very well made.

I would buy this game (if i had money!) on Steam.

I own a great many things from this challenge!

I like the idea of answering the question and then getting some deduction to actually figure out where it may be so it's not completely random.

I think it just needs a bit more questions to it. 

I like the general idea of this game of it being a puzzle. Overall it's quite satisfying to complete the puzzles!
One piece of feedback however, would it would be nice if you know what element you can bypass. But maybe it'd make it too easy haha 😅

I really like the game show atmosphere and the overall implementation of the game.

Great work!

Posted some feedback on your project!

For saying thanks. I will let you know~ I am actually kinda busy looking for jobs and working on a paid game. Which I don't expect people to pay for in exchange for me reviewing and giving feedback.

Yeah overall I really like the writing and story. Good stuff :)

Notes while playing the game:

- I would try to split out the words so there is no scroll bar or make the height of the game a bit bigger. So I don't need to scroll to read the text

- I like the setting of the story and the way it is written. I can sense the coldness and the quietness of the world.

- I also like that it's short. I do a bit of reading every now and then. But reading longer stuff feels like a commitment. I could see more short stories done like this as some sort of anthology. Could also get people more into reading haha.

- Might be nice have some ambient music or sound effect after you choose a choice. (something you can toggle on / off)

- Second choice made in the game is oddly worded. I think I would just remove the sentence before it. (I see it work pretty well in the lines after this)

- Also the building where the player isn't sure. Maybe you can preface by saying it's some institutional building, that may have been a school, hospital, or prison. Then you can link text saying "Enter the institutional" building

Overall the game is enjoyable to me and would like to read more like this. Keep up the good work!

Solid stuff!

The design of the game is really neat! Love the music too~

I think the levels can have a bit more breaks or variety. But other than that. It's a charming platform puzzle game!

I like the idea of the combat. It's a bit like Megaman battlenetwork!

Some ideas/suggestions I thought of while playing:

- I think it would be cool to have abilities you can unlock down the line while playing or having characters that have special abilities you play with. i.e. character might be able to preform a charge shot

- Maybe at the end you can fight a boss, and the time stops, but you take damage as time. 

- Could be neat to also introduce some blockades / obstacles that you have to dodge, or break through

- Would be nice to be able to shoot and move

Other feedback:

- Sounds are a bit loud and sharp. 

Could I get the link to an itch HTML5 game?

What's my salary for this back-breaking work?