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Hugh Lashbrooke

A member registered Mar 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Yeah, being in Australia makes it a little tricky to find reasonable overlap with Europe. If not enough people can join then I'll shift some times around and see if it makes a difference.

This is an excellent resource! I play a lot of Mausritter, and these will work for that perfectly, with almost no need to adapt them. Love it.

Ah - thanks so much! I hope you have fun with it.

Glad it's helpful!

I loved reading through this — it's an awesome setting and looks like a great adventure. I'm looking forward to playing it!

(1 edit)

I'm glad you like it! It adds a great element of increasing suspense to the whole thing.

Thanks for the great review!

Thanks for the comment - evocative and straightforward is exactly what I was going for. I'm glad you like it!

Great template! I love that it's in Canva as I work in there all the time

This is really fun - great concept and super well executed! I finished up with a score of 235 and really enjoyed it.

Love this - beautiful work as always, and I love that you included shaded and colour versions all in the same pack.

Thanks - I'm glad you like it! I was really happy with how this design and layout came together.

These are really neat house rules to add some extra flavour and variety to any Mausritter table. I can definitely see myself using this in my games.

Thanks for the push about this - I've been meaning to add a booklet layout for Kiwi Acres but just haven't got round to it yet. I'll get that sorted and uploaded probably next week. 

Thanks for the support and happy adventuring!

(1 edit)

I have added these notes (and more!) to the downloadable PDFs.

Third episode of a truly excellent point-and-click adventure that harks back to the classic games I grew up with. The fact that this whole series is free to download is just incredible - this is well-worth your time to play!

Great questions!

The market value is determined by the 6 cards you draw - the average value of those cards is the market value. If you're applying this to an in-game item then it will depend on the item and system you're playing. If you want to translate that to a gold piece value then it might make sense to multiply it by 10 or 100 and then play the game as normal from there.

Alternatively, you could set the value independently of the cards and then use the negotiation result as a modifier for the value. For example, if the outcome of the negotiation is that the remaining two cards total half of the market value determined at the beginning then you can halve the value of the item being sold.

If no one wants to concede the +2 then they need to be more reasonable and admit when someone made a good argument - that's very much up to how you play and how reasonable people can be, which is why having an arbiter is quite useful. If you're playing this in another game then the GM can act as the arbiter.

I'm glad you're enjoying Hard Sell! I'm happy to answer any more questions here :)

I've been waiting for this! Very excited to get stuck into it.

Oh, awesome - I'm glad it worked so well! This is a great adventure for connecting to other places on the farm - letting them choose where to go next based on the items they found is a great idea.

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoy this and see the potential in using it as a bartering module.

In this case, the link is to generate a random topic using Wikipedia's random article URL. The game I've used it in is here: - I want to do something similar for this jam, so I might use that same idea again here.

Thanks so much :) Itch reviews only show up in the feed of the person who wrote them, so leaving a review as a comment as well is always helpful.

Ah thanks so much! And thank you for the glowing review on the game! It really means a lot that you enjoy it so much.

Could I ask you a favour? If you have a minute, do you think you could post that review as a comment on the game itself? Itch doesn't show review text anywhere useful, so having it visible there would be really helpful. No worries if not though - just thought I'd ask.

I've actually pretty much finished the game I wanted to make with it - it's a game for negotiation that also works as a system-agnostic module for negotiating prices. It's a lot more than 24 words though, so it won't work for this jam regardless. I have another idea based on it that could work though, so I'd still like to know the answer to this question :)

This is rather specific to what I'm trying to do, but part of the game I'm writing requires people to visit a specific URL (it's a popular public site that gives a random result from a large dataset each time it's loaded) - for the purposes of word count, would you count the URL is a single word?

Yeah that's fair! With all that in mind it doesn't make too much sense to submit to this jam, so I'll leave it out. I have some plans for other things this month that I'm hoping to work on and submit. 

I just published a complete redesign of a previous module I created (an adventure for the Mausritter TTRPG). It looks entirely different and has some additional features that the original didn't have, but the core product isn't new. Would that be acceptable for this jam? Since I'm in New Zealand, it's been 1 January for a whole day already. 

This looks beautiful and sounds like a delight to play. I've bought a copy and will try it out soon!

That's so great to hear - I hope your family enjoys it! 

Hey there - as you are one of the three winners of this jam, could you please get in touch with me so I can send you your prize? You can email me on :) 

Hey there - as you are one of the three winners of this jam, could you please get in touch with me so I can send you your prize? You can email me on :) 

Got it - thanks for the reply! That sounds fair and I'll keep it in mind. 

This (and all your work) is brilliant - love the style and the details included throughout. I'm interested to know what licence you apply to your work - if someone wanted to use this map in a commercial product, for example, would you be happy with that? Assuming correct attribution was provided of course.

Thanks! This was very much a 'scratching my own itch' project - something I built for myself, but then made it work for distribution.

I have some plans for creating a few maps with tokens for this, so people could play it without any additional prep. I'm no artist though, so creating maps is a chore for me. Tokens I could do though, and I think you're right - providing those would make this a lot more appealing for people.

Neat idea! I like that this also gives inspiration for creating new systems.

This is very cool - I like the simplicity of it and how collaborative it is for all players.

(1 edit)

10 Downing is now available in print! Order your A5 hardcover copy here:

This looks very interesting and would be a great submission for the Tabletop Game Tool Jam:

This looks very interesting - I like it!