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A member registered May 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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@Jupiter Hadley - Awesome, thanks! It's definitely a bit much to take in if you go in blind, but I'm glad you found it interesting.

@Messofanego - Thanks! It is pretty challenging, I'm not that great at it either honestly, but I think it's POSSIBLE to be good at it. Hopefully.  ;)

I pinged the submitter on Twitter to make sure they're aware no download links are showing up.

Excellent choice of material, and the presentation of putting the player in the room and in the walls was clever. Played through and quite liked it.

@Nathaniel Nelson - Great! Glad you enjoyed it, and point well taken about the beginning. There are dark blue clouds in the distance to give you some spacial awareness, but I'm realizing too late that my gamma is set fairly high, so players with lower gamma settings can't make the clouds out well, or at all, making the first few moments even more disorienting than intended. Oh well; more knowledge for next time, right? Thanks for the feedback, and again, glad you enjoyed the rest. 

@SnoutUP - Yeah, I went solo and CC0 for my submission, and my meager music skills were not going to get anything produced in that time. Just play something you like in the background while you fly. ;)

@Ikizami - Excellent! Glad you enjoyed it. As long as I got something completed in time and at least one person liked it, I'm already happy. ;)

@Jupiter Hadley - Thanks for the coverage, and sorry it looks like you had a bit of trouble sorting out what to do at first. 

Of Two Minds is also available to play online.