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A member registered Sep 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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The error is probably not mine, as it appeared on the build. Therefore, I learned about it only when I had already posted it. Thanks for playing!

Alas, the inventory bug is probably not mine since it appeared on the build. Yes, the game has no goal, well, only survive. Thanks for playing!

Yeah, thanks for playing.

These are not critical errors, thanks for playing.

The game is more complicated than meatboy, gravity is very strong, I reached level 8, I didn’t have enough further, I was ready to break the keyboard because I was dying many times because I didn’t jump. And therefore, if gravity were less, the game would be many times better.

I liked the game, reminded me of an old game on the first android smartphones where it was necessary to follow the sheep. It seems called Clouds & Sheep.

At first I liked it, but at level 4 my brain exploded, I still did not understand what he needed. And so if there were tips it would be just cool.

The game is cool, at first it seemed complicated, and firing control was inconvenient.
What engine does the game have? I can’t understand why not make the resolution 64x64, because it is clear that the resolution is incorrect.In general, except for this jamb, the game is good.

Cool little platformer, the only thing I’m not a fan of jumping on Z and did not immediately understand that you can press the up arrow and 2 times Z

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback.

Yes of course, Underground Chemistry linux_86_64

It should work, I just found a bug with sound in the html5 build. What does not work for you?

I just added the desktop, just in case, try it.

Try the desktop version.

I found a bug, why there is no sound. I can only make a build for the desktop.

Did you interact with the chest of drawers? It should have records for it.

(1 edit)

I have long wanted to make a similar game. Due to a lack of knowledge, I created the game for a long time, and the Internet did not work for a while, and I did not have the opportunity to find an answer to the mistakes. The idea of the game is part of my dream, but a bad dream, so there is plenty of time, and you can do whatever you want, and I wanted to show you that if there is much time, but there is no one, you will either kill yourself or regret it. But still I decided to lay out the game so that the forces that I invested did not disappear, there must also be at least 3 finals or even more. But I was able to make 2 final, I can finish it after jam. (And I have a bad English, forgive me for my google translator :))