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Tiago Gazzola

A member registered Apr 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great job! Juiciest game of the jam!! I just found it a bit difficult to play, when you turn to shoot, the enemy is already in your face. I think that for this game, given its speed, it would work better to kill enemies that you are chasing, rather than enemies that are chasing you.

Amazing game idea!! Very Spore vibes!! I just had a little difficulty geting away from the enemy... Maybe could have a mechanic of sacrificing eggs to distract the enemy!?

OMG!! I really loved this game. Amazing art, amazing gameplay, amazing idea... Congratulations on the game! It was the best game I played on this jam.

Very very fun!!! This game would be gold in a mobile version!

Very cute game, has a lot of potential :D

I really liked the idea of your game, especially that it's possible to gain momentum by alternating between Left Key and Right Key :)

I really liked the idea of using fish as bullets xD I found it very creative.

OMG! I realy loved this narrative!!

Really fun game!! I would play it a lot if there was a mobile version with random levels etc :D I completed the first level in 25 seconds.

Great game to practice typing on the keyboard xD Very creative idea!

Guitar Fish! Very fun, I just didn't understand why the keys are horizontal and the fish come vertically. It would be more intuitive if the fish came in the same direction of the keys :) But aside from that, congratulations on the game, rhythm games can be really tricky to create xD

Simple idea but very fun :D The only thing I need to comment is that I'm not sure if having to click to collect the fish is necessary, maybe removing that click would make the game even more dynamic/fast :)

What an amazing idea! I really found it very enjoyable, it must be really fun to play with friends.

I just felt the lack of a boost/kick on the ball :) It would be very useful.

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I loved the concept of the game where you have to save fish from hooks! I think it would make a great mobile game if you add one or two more mechanics to make the game even more interesting :) But the initial idea is already very cool!

I really liked the mechanic of giving a forward boost then jumping. You can make some very interesting platform puzzles with this mechanic :)

Fun game idea :D It has potential! I just had a bit of trouble with the resolution, part of the screen was cut off even when I put it in fullscreen. But anyway, I found the game very enjoyable :)

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Fun game :) Reminded me of classic arcade games like The Simpsons and Ninja Turtles.

You nailed it on the artistic aspect of the game, it also gave off a strong arcade game vibe.

Fun idea xD I believe that improving the controls a bit would make it a good game to kill some time. Maybe moving with WASD, and using the LMB as a headbutt/kick? Perhaps that would give the player a bit more of control. I felt that just using the LMB was a bit unpredictable, it depended a bit much on luck for the fish to kick the rock and make it fly a few meters up.

But anyway, fun game, especially the motivational part of the voice-over xD

Nice infinite runner, it reminded me of a game I once created for the company I work for xD Link below if you want to check it out.

Good idea, I would just replace the fish with a whale.. Hitchhiker's Guide reference xD

Great game, Thumper vibes :D

I have a few suggestions that I think would enhance the final game :)

  1. The time after dying could be reduced from 5 to 1, or even remove altogether. Rhythm games benefit from being in the 'momentum.' Having to wait 5 seconds to play again kills that momentum.
  2. The green color of the bomb is a bit confusing. Typically in games, green is a color associated with "good" collectibles. Perhaps making it red would be ideal, but then the player might confuse it with the crab!? Maybe aother option would be to replace the crab with another animal?
  3. When you're attacking, you can't switch lanes. If you continue to work on this game and add modes where the level moves faster, or where more things are happening on the lines at the same time, it would be good for the player to be able to cancel the attack to switch lanes.

Those would be my suggestions, I'm giving them because I really think this game has potential :) Also I'm passionate about rhythm games of this style.

I saw your post about bass facts in the community. I did my best, but that bass kiled me like 30 times  ;-; I didn't quite understand how to dodge, and also the function of the cat/frying pan? Sometimes I could dodge, but 9 out of 10 times I got hit :/

But anyway, I found the idea/art of the game very unique. If there were a gradual evolution of difficulty (other fish battles), and also better instructions for each action within the game, it would be a very fun game to play.

Furthermore, could I perhaps get a bass fact for my effort? :) 🐟

Cool game!! Very creative idea to have to steal bait from the hooks.

First of all, I was in doubt if you're Brazilian too, hehe...

Well, about the game, I really enjoyed the player movement, it turned out very fluid. Also, I liked the idea of the collectibles being fish eggs I would never think of something like that.

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That's sad news :( I would love to see how your Spore-style game turned out.

Me and my partner also had an idea of making a game similar to Spore, the cell stage. But it would be too complex for the time period, so we decided to do something simpler :) If you have the time, please test our game. Thank you!!

I had a bit of an issue with the jump. sometimes Magikarp wouldn't jump even though I was spamming the space bar. Additionally, I missed some visual representation before the enemy attacks. However, overall, the game is very promising and despite these little issues, I found it very enjoyable :)

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I realy liked your game, especially the visual and the sound. Mechanically, the game is simple but functional, however, I think it would be even better by adding new mechanics/obstacles, perhaps even upgrades for the fish? Or something like that.

Got 8000 points

Cool game! I only missed a progression system, I felt that the difficulty didn't increase in the approximately 3 minutes I played the game. Maybe some indication of how many meters have been covered? New enemies with unique attacks? Other obstacles like trash, etc.?

I survived approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds ;-; It's a very difficult game, but a really cool idea. I believe it has potential if you add some new mechanics. Perhaps a safe zone where you can buy upgrades?

Loved the game! I had a blast playing without buying any upgrades and managed to reach about -700 meters. I believe this game would work perfectly for mobile, and judging by its resolution, I assume you've already considered this idea :) Furthermore, the upgrades could be transformed into ads or even monetized. Congratulations on the game, keep investing in it.

"I couldn't play it :( But I was very interested by the screenshots. Please consider making a Windows version if possible. Let me know if you create a Windows version, then I'll play and can give a review :)

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I really miss games like this (achieving the highest distance, etc). I used to play a lot of flash games like this as a kid. I loved the game, audio, visuals, gameplay, everything is 5/5! I just missed some upgrades for the fish.

It would also be cool to unlock new fish, including a Flying Fish.

Very fun game! I loved that the its dubbed, and also the progression system worked really well!

I only had issues with the screen resolution. A tip, go to your game page, edit it, and activate the fullscreen button.

 Other than that, I loved the visual style of your game, it reminded me of the classic PS2 game 'Jaws Unleashed'.

What a fun game! I found your idea very creative. Plus, I really liked that it gives off a Tetris-like vibe (As you approach the end of the level, it becomes harder and harder to reverse the situation, since the fish are more concentrated at the bottom of the aquarium).

Wow, I really liked your idea of making fish float with bubbles. For a prototype, it was clear that if you put together a complete game, it would work really well. Just think about some new mechanics, abilities, boss battles, and it would become a perfect game. Who knows, maybe even a co-op mode, like TowerFall.

The game idea is very original. It reminded me of the time when I worked as a cook xD The only thing I missed is that maybe the pliers could damage the piece of salmon, like with each wrong 'pinch,' the quality of the piece would decrease, 100%, 99%, 98%, etc.

Great game! Would be fun to hit enemies with the shark's tail xD

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Loved the UI and the aesthetic of the game. It was just a little hard to 'click' since the selection point is under the paw and the same paw blocks the view.

I missed a restart button since the game is leaderboard oriented.