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A member registered Aug 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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very cute, I actually had a lot of fun getting distracted by snake, and loved the song choice :) well done!

Holy hell, this thing is awesome! You have officially blown my mind. How did you go about building it? I wouldn’t even know where to start.

Wow, you packed a lot in there, very impressive what you managed to accomplish. This is just personal taste but I’m not a big fan of the color palette (not a big deal obviously but could add a bit to it’s enjoyment). Is it made with a framework or just straight up dom and js? Awesome job!

An interesting take on the daily task app, the progress bar animation is really nice, and the UI is designed quite well, is there a way to track progress over multiple days? or is it more for reminding you to do things per day?

Wow, this is an amazing tool with a really nice workflow and minimalist style, love the colors and love the name, awesome job!

Thanks for stopping by my cozy cottage! I usually focus more on the programming side, so it was nice to take a break and just make something that looks nice :)

Thanks! It was quite a relaxing experience making it too, not having to worry about game mechanics, bugs, etc, just making something that looks nice with good vibes :)

Thanks for playing!

Yeah I've found a little bit of camera shake adds quite a lot to the feel of a game, I'd like to add more weapons and different missiles to shoot down in the future, Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you very much!

I like how the intensity picks up as the game progresses, makes for a tense ending, managed to beat it with 20% health left, some simple sound fx and music would really tie it all together, really good entry! A small bug I found - when a station spawns on another station's landing pad, it activates it like the player is on it :)

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

I actually coded an ammo system where you would have to reload, but it wasn't very fun, I think it needed UI to make it more intuitive. I do plan on doing some more work on it, adding more types of cannons, maybe some different types of missiles etc, feel free to follow me if you want a notification 👍

What an awesome entry! I especially liked the animation and sound, was super satisfying running around, controls were a little slippery and it would have been good to restart the level on failure rather than go back to the start. Super well rounded, nice one!

Thank you so much! I actually originally planned to have simple colours for the cities and cannon done with a shader, along with crt shader but ran out of time, but I liked the look anyway so I'm pretty happy with it :) Thanks for playing!

Thanks, I had fun making it :)

Thanks for playing!

Complexity in simplicity, really well done, couldn't make it to the top, I'm quite disappointed in myself :C haha great entry!

Love the simplicity and beautiful art, to spice it up, you could vary the hue of the bad plants to trick the player. My highest score was 13,660. They really are cool plants!

I was eating crisps when I started playing...I feel a little uneasy at the vicissitude of the situation... haha, anyway I love the whimsical story and beautiful voice acting, really enjoyed, well done!

Really nice job all round, especially impressed with the visuals!

I really liked the art and the game play, I think the player's acceleration could be a little faster as it felt a bit sluggish when trying to do small movements. I also loved the dev log, nice one!

Oh I hadn't thought of that, I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks for playing!

Thanks heaps! Godot really makes the transition to 3D quite easy, all the basics are the same, just with an extra dimension. The part i struggled with the most was 3D modelling (especially animations in blender) but asset forge has made that so much better for me, a programmer.

This was soo good! The jump animation fluidity caught me off guard, all the audio was stellar, and the progression through the stages was really well put together! I think the controls might be able to be improved, I'd probably go with Arrows: move, F: jump, D: dash, but that's just preference. Awesome job! Boss track was fire!

Yeah I was a bit worried as it was getting closer to the finished date, I hadn't tested it in the browser at all, or done any optimizing. But when i uploaded it, it performed great first try, which was a huge relief! Thanks for playing!

Glad you enjoyed it :)

I don't generally post the code to my games (mainly because I'm never sure about licenses etc), but if there's something in particular you're after I'd be happy to help :)

Thanks! Turns out there's a lot of factors that contribute to how controls feel, Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I thought so too :)

Ah I had not tested that, thanks for playing!

Really nice, well put together game, controls felt really good and i had fun figuring out how to get to the end. Could use some work tying into the theme, even just some in game dialogue would help here. A nice juicy walking animation and particles when we flap our wings would go a long way too. Great entry!

Cool central mechanic and great animation and art, like others have said the controls need some work, but otherwise great game!

Such a simple yet solid core, surprisingly gripping, I was sad when I finished haha, a great idea really well implemented, awesome job!

It was one of my favorites growing up, but I always thought it was difficult to aim with a joy stick, so I wanted to see what it was like with a mouse :) Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I spent lots of time on that aspect :)

Agree completely, one of those problems I just didn't have time to nut out, thanks for the feedback!

Nice puzzle design and awesome music! The controls felt quite floaty and a little slow, you may like to look into what makes satisfying character movement :) Awesome job! also love the cover art!

The Boss was meant to look like a rat which was the dreamers fear, but if i had some more time i would've changed the smaller enemies to more resemble rats, as well as add some different types of enemies to create some variety. Thanks for playing!

Super well rounded with so much content, consistent art style, great animation and a fun loop. Knocked it out of the park :)