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A member registered Nov 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Its a gamejam but you're more than welcome to post progress shots or art here in the community tab!

This is so fun to figure and play through! Its awesome seeing it all come together! Thank you again Fairgame~

I'd need more info!
Feel free to shoot me an email with the details~

I don't unfortunately :(  I am on Tumblr and Discord though!

Here's an example of my Omori work tho:

I've done artwork adjacent to Omori style if you need a couple CGs done!

I'd prefer not to post it publicly if that's ok! My email is
Shoot me a quick one and I'll give my Discord and we can chat!

Hello hello! I'm an artist looking to expand their portfolio!

Hi! Are you still looking for a team?

Would you be interesting in working a small rpg maker project? We're looking for a melancholy, autumnal feel

Hey! I'm currently looking for a musician for our project! Would you be interested in working a small rpg maker project? I can provide more information via email or discord.

Thank you so much but I found a writer! I'll keep you in mind for future projects though!

Hey, I know this is old, but I'm in desperate need of a writer lol Are you interested in taking on another project?

Hi! Do you have examples of your pixel art?