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A member registered Dec 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hmm, very strange, I can't replicate this. I'll take a look at the code, maybe I can find what the issue is.

Thanks for the comment! The game was made for a game jam, so there are a few oversights that I have yet to correct. In fact, I just might update the game soon.

Yeah, I think you're better off waiting for a more polished version. I will update this game after the jam ends, maybe in a week or so.

Yeah, the bugs are something I'm working on. I will update the game once the jam ends.

You should be able to restart by pressing R

You're the first person I know of who got that ending. Nice!

Working on it as we speak ;)

Yeah, there are tons of bugs, unfortunately. I literally uploaded this game at the last second. A poor excuse, I know, but what can you do.

I do want to update this game once the jam is over. The core idea is solid, it just needs polishing. (And lots of it.)

Oh, you guys are from Latvia? I'm from Estonia, so we're practically neighbors :D

I am. I'll introduce more levels, more units, more spells and more references to conspiracy theories.

Thanks for finding these bugs! I can't edit the game right now, but I will definitely update it later.

Thanks for playing and finding these bugs! I'll update the game once the jam ends.

And yeah, the game ends on a blue sky.

When there is more than one socket, you have to choose only one. Make sure you cover the entire field with lights before stepping on the socket (in this case, it's a lower-right socket).

Thanks for finding all these bugs! Once the jam ends and I'm able to edit the game files, I'll update it.

Thanks! I had plans to introduce weather conditions as well as death from old age if you meditate too long, but that was a bit too ambitious for a two-week project.

Thanks for noticing!

(1 edit)

You can lay an egg as a bird and then eat it as a snake. I now updated the game to spell it more clearly.

Nice, thanks to organizers and all the participants! My email is

Hm, I thought I fixed that. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Much like the main character, you broke the time-space continuum, my friend.

Oh dammit, that's such an obvious bug, how could I miss it? Thanks for noticing!

It’s a known issue for a lot of projects (at least my projects) that you have to click on the game after going fullscreen to make it active again.

It's a super casual game done in two days for a game jam, so there were tons of features and levels scrapped due to time constraints. I might revisit this project at a later date but for now it is what it is.

Thanks, reuploaded!

Thanks for noticing!

I'm not going to touch some superficial differences (skins, level editor), so here's a difference in mechanics: in Snakebird, you can't move if your head touches the tail. Here, you can freely move in a circular fashion (like in classic Snake), which is integral to solving quite a few levels.

Ooze Odyssey is obviously inspired by Snakebird, with a couple distinctions. I think there's enough room for both games 🤷

Is it possible to sell browser-based games on itch? I'm not sure.

Mac is a bit tricky to develop for, as I need a dev certificate and whatnot.

I'll figure something out.

What system do you have? I might release this game later on Android.

Maybe the game window is not active? Try clicking anywhere on the field.

No, that was just a silly mistake. I copied the wrong link 😅

Sure! DM me in Twitter (@featurekreep) and let’s discuss the details.

All units and abilities are unlocked through your minions' progress on the map (i.e., how far they've travelled past the towers). You can see the progress bar above the minion icons. In all honesty, this is something I should make clearer.

This game was made in 48 hours, so I had to cut A LOT of corners. I may update the game  later.

And thank YOU for playing! Hope you’re having a chill time now

This ship had it coming!

(1 edit)

A great entry! I'm a fan of this type of puzzles where you have to intelligently block (pun intended) your own movement.

Great presentation! The game somewhat reminds me of Boss Monster, a dungeon-building card game. Really impressive with what you've done in 48 hours.

An interesting idea! And strangely captivating, despite somewhat unreliable controls.

The difficulty is too high from the get-go, slow readers are bound to fail. I do like the idea, though. This could be a game about political censorship in a tyrannical regime.