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Fava Beans

A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Well done! The character is so cute and I love the art style. I also really enjoy the concept, and it's something I can relate to. When I did MerMay a few years ago, I quit halfway through. Art block sure can get in the way sometimes. But this game makes me want to try it again next year

Thanks for the feedback! That is a good suggestion. I've gotten at least one other player suggest that. Whenever the jam ends, I'll consider it while making an update

Thank you for the extensive review! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Maybe there are a few things I could do to improve visual clarity later when I make an update

Thank you for the detailed review and showcasing my game! It's great to see people interact with what I've created. You're actually the first person I've watched play other than myself. I had no play testers 😁. If I did I probably would've balanced the game better. That third boss, for example, is certainly a difficulty spike. And seeing that many of the players are saying that it drags, I plan to make the game faster when I'm able to update. Part of that will be a faster XP rate so you'll be able to hoard those power-ups even more quickly!

This is a pretty neat entry! I wouldn't have thought of combining ninjas and sewers for this jam. Very creative.  And the art has a nice, cohesive aesthetic and the UI is very polished. I do agree, though, with several of the other developers that the visuals would benefit from greater clarity. And also like many of them, I experienced performance issues in the browser version. There's a few minor things I could bring up as well, but like the two things I've previously mentioned they've already been covered in other comments so I'll leave it at this. Overall, it's a great game with a lot of replayability due to its random generation

I really like the idea behind the gameplay.  Having water be a limited resource used both for jumping and attacking is creative and adds some challenge. I can easily picture this becoming a full game if you decide to continue with it

Thanks! I'll play your game later too

A solid submission to the Bullet Hell Jam! The visuals are great and the game itself is enjoyable too. What I like most about the gameplay is the ability to choose and assign my abilities as I level up

Thanks 😊 Yeah I've done a heck of a lot of game jams. Too many. I think I should be focusing on bigger projects after this one. I'll be sure to play your game even though the jam concluded later

Thanks for the feedback! Those two critiques are by far the most common, so I'll keep that in mind if I ever do this again

Wow! (^///^) It feels great to hear you say that! I think there are some other entries though that could take the win and deserve it more than mine, but I really appreciate that nonetheless.

Thanks! 🥰 I appreciate the detailed breakdown

Thanks for the feedback! Gdevelop is great. I use it a lot

I love the art of this! I don't often see games with a vectorized style and it's done so well in this game, plus the designs are pretty creative

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I'm super impressed with this one! The art is stellar ;P  and it's just as fun as it is visually appealing

Really great game! I immediately recognized the music as Pixel War by Ben Burnes since I've used it myself before. Really suits your amazing pixel graphics. I also like the upgrade system. It kept me invested for a while

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I was not prepared for that intro (⊙ˍ⊙)  You went all in and I respect that. Also, the mechanic of losing HP to deal damage is a real clever way to utilize the theme

This is one of the most stylish games I've tried in this jam. I love it! Despite not coming even close to beating the beat

I really enjoyed this! Super creative. I love the premise of it and the art looks fantastic. Food suddenly stopped flying at me at some point though. Not sure if that's just how the game ends or if it's a bug. If it is intended, I wish it was just endless because I was having fun racking up the score.

Thanks for the feedback. A permanent upgrade is a pretty good idea!

The previous cover was made in just a few minutes using pre-existing art from the game, so it felt underdeveloped to me. I also wanted to try an anime style with subtle shading and this seemed like a good opportunity. Sorry if you preferred the old cover

Thanks! I agree, we need more fox mermaids 🦊🐠

This game is awesome! I really enjoy the gameplay, art, sound, and overall vibes

I love this one! It really changes up the bullet-hell formula. At first I was trying to dodge and felt totally overwhelmed but then realized that getting hit is part of the gameplay. That made it so much more interesting. I also think it's visually appealing and the audio fits in very well

So this is one of my favorites in the jam. Really well done! The presentation is stellar and the gameplay is well designed as well. I like teleport mechanic. One thing I don't like about many bullet-hells is the many, many times I'm trapped by walls of bullets and teleporting helps me sidestep that

This is super well designed! I love the inclusion of a stock market. It's creative and adds another layer of challenge, not that it needed anymore challenge. It's a pretty hard game 

Thanks for the feedback! If I was to do something like this again I'll be sure to do shorter levels and find ways to make the dive not as powerful

I really like the mechanic of returning bullets to sender with a sword slash. It's a great way to utilize the theme, while also making the game a lot more fun. Other things that I liked are the creative health bars, interesting enemy designs, and just the fact that fairies are packing heat. As for critiques, I agree with a few things already said by singleshotgamer and CGpepper and I'm sure you're already aware of the bugs. I think bullet-hell and platforming can mix but the gameplay is a little slow for my taste. The jump is very floaty and the fairies too move very slowly through the air, taking it a while to maneuver both them and myself into the position I want for attacks. That is subjective though. You may, for example, prefer the slower and more methodical gameplay. I also think the audio mixing could be tweaked. The sound effects of the gun fire are really loud compared to all the other audio so it's jarring.

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Thanks! Lots of people are telling me levels are too long. I guess I should've made them shorter 😅 I'm glad you like it despite that minor grievance and difficulty

Thanks for your feedback! I was aiming to make the game a little more approachable with the diving mechanic because I think the inherent difficulty of the genre can be off-putting for some and I wanted to appeal to more people. I probably made it a little too OP though. And I certainly agree there could be more enemy variety and other things I could've done to keep the gameplay novel. Alas, I put too much of my focus on the presentation

Thanks for the feedback! I agree gameplay could be improved in some areas, especially in novelty. I spent a little too much time on presentation. And I'll be sure to play your game soon

Thanks for trying out my game. You should be able to select the level you'd like to play in the terminal-like screen proceeding the title screen by either pressing A and D or clicking the icons in the corner. Sorry if that wasn't clearly communicated or if there's a bug preventing you from selecting a level. That part of the game was made pretty last minute

Thanks! I'm happy you like the diving mechanic. Being faced with walls of bullets impossible to avoid is annoying to me too so I wanted to mix things up a little

Thanks! Happy you liked it so much

Thanks (^∇^*) and I love Gdevelop despite some of its limitations. It really speeds up development for me

Thanks! Most bullets spawning only when robots are destroyed was meant to be my implementation of the theme. I probably could've done more with it though. And maybe I should've nerfed the dive with a cooldown or something

Wow, this feels a whole lot more like a bullet-hell than my own game. Nice work! The enemy and bullet patterns are a lot more interesting than what I had done

Really awesome game! The gameplay loop is fun and I think all the animals are cute. I love the line "they let me put a yuzu on my head"

I really, really like the artwork. Awesome style! It's also decently fun

I really enjoy the premise of droplets vs sponges. It's goofy and fun. I think combining the survivors loop with tower defense is also creative. Nice job!