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A member registered Apr 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks. Yep coming in the post jam version

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Mechanics, asset and code wise this game seems to be heavily based on a previous game of yours (Jump Bald).
I have no doubt you put a lot effort into this game but this would explain the almost professional quality of the game. 
I don't feel this is in the spirit of this game Jam to adapt previous games.

Restart as in pressing "R" to rewind or refreshing the page?

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Thank you for mentioning. Will look into it for the post jam version

Yeah sorry about that :) It's incredibly hard to gauge the difficulty if you and other people already played a ton or know the solution. Need a better approach next time.

Just out of curiosity: Did you see/ use the solutions link in the game description?

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Thanks. Sadly there's nothing I can do about the glitchyness of the arm (I think). Unity's linerenderer apparently does not work at these scales and the code is internal and locked.

Lessons learned

Thanks for the detailed feedback. I got all these points implemented for a post jam version

Super impressed by the portal mechanic!

This game desperately needs a dash move

Somebody was seriously hoping for the "Language" jam theme lol

Very cute game with a ton of levels. Kinda easy but enjoyed it a lot

Tricky, pretty traditional Sokoban puzzles

The dimensional door which can store boxes in between levels is a very cool idea but it is not utilized that much in the few levels here. Imo this concept should have been pushed further

(4 edits)
  • Love the style you have going. Reminds me of the old Myst games
  • I love the fact that when you return to the first room you are able to solve the puzzle.
  • With all the rooms looking the same and the puzzles being very similar the game felt a bit samey after a while
  • I wish there more "active" sections (for example manipulating a symol in real time via these runes)
  • I imagine there is a more elegant hint system out there ( instead of handing you a note)
  • It is not super obvious at first that you made a wrong decision and lost a life 
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Love the art and animation
Gameplay wise I feel it's kinda obtuse and not that compelling
Imo there should be fail animations that hint at what you are doing wrong
I think this probably should have been a multi step ritual (where you first start with 3 cards then 4 and 5) to ramp up the difficulty and explore a bit of the design space here.

Thank you. Agree on the flavor point.

Originally you played as a long arm thief breaking into a safe so you had to disable the mechanism => turning gears and the kind of safe dials. This changed kinda late but the mechanic stuck so I'm not sure what the flavor now is supposed to be

Thank you. Love this kind of insight

The lack of sound effects really hurt this game imo. Even bad ones would be better none at all

I'm too stupid but how do I enter a door?

Thanks. Yeah I know about this one my brain was too fried at this point to fix it lol

Thank you. Yeah originally could hold the R button as long as you wanted to revert and then let go. A late bug ate this feature sadly

Thanks. I'm learning all the pitfalls of puzzle game design the hard way lol.
Posted the solutions in the description

Thanks. Love critical feedback

A super ambitious game. You did a good job!

Love the door transition effect

Very cool art. The game is brutally hard lol.

What is the point of moving waves is besides getting to the shop faster?

Wow very cool art style.

Brings back memeries from playing Myst. Gonna need to pull out the old pen and paper again.

Definitely a rather impressive and ambitous entry. Really feels epic and responsive like a real boss fight should.
Not having sound effects really hurt this game though. Even weak sfx are better than nothing.

I was very impressed by the polish and visuals. Great job!

Gameplay wise this is rather basic. Wish you'd have taken advantage of the two forms more (specific obstacles to traverse or enemies to defeat for example).

Solid entry

Really lik this game. Perfect scope and game mechanics for a game jam.

- Please add a game sound when you pick up scrap. It's a very small thing but makes the game feel more responsive

- I wished the background grew darker and darker the deeper you went 

Very ambitious for a 48 hour game and for the most part you succeded. Was especially impressed by the animations.

Would love to have some more audio feedback when your low on obidience/ failed commands etc.

Also I would often instantly fail commands when I was fighting (increase the time window or something)

It's uncanny how many ghost games we ended up with in the jam lol

Cool idea. Though it needs to be fleshed out a bit to be fun for more than a minute.

Thank you. To be fair it was actually 48 hours :)

These kind of games would really benefit from a super simple tutorial level

Big fan of your youtube channel! ( would love to hear what the failed idea was :D)

- Love the implementation of the theme

- Great art

- same issues as mentioned below ( UI bars cumbersome to keep track of, browser commands overlapping with WASD + ctr input)

Best one so far. Top scores from me

Confusing. Super nice art!

Bummer but I completely understand. Wish you all the best in your future endavours

Hey I love your sense for game feel, design and polish. I'm currently recruiting for our GMTK Jam 2023 team which starts in 3 week. I would love to work with you

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Thanks for nice words. I kinda agree on the intersting level design part but I can't quite put my finger on what's *really* missing. More thematic level design (blending flavour + mechanics)? Tighter controlls and platforming? A more intersting core mechanic + implementation (like crossing out words with the dash) ?

That's a very cool style you got going.  Sadly no sound :(

Not playable