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A member registered Mar 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just posted a devlog entry marking one year since GY was published on itch. Time really flies ;)

I changed the font to a more angular one to fit the rest of the game, and added an in-game help screen so people won’t get too confused on how to play.

Here’s a screenshot from the new version, which I plan to release next week:

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Grid of Yendor

A big announcement to make: I finally came back (yay!) and GY is being rewritten from the ground up to accomodate new features. I took the break because of exams, but those are mostly done now.

In hindsight, the jam version’s code was badly written, and I should have started back from scratch afterwards. Many features I want to implement require refactoring, which will only take more of my time as I update the game. Better late than never at least ;)

On the bright side I can reuse the art and sound effects, and adapt (better) code from the old codebase instead of completely rewriting.

You guys know how accurate update time estimates are, so I won’t make any right now. I should be able to add most existing features during the next week though.

In terms of new features, more exciting boss interaction (minigames?) is the priority. I also want to add comprehensive in-game help and start on permanent progression to retain players.

Core mechanics will stay the same, but there are some visual changes to make gameplay more engaging. More info on that, and more, coming next week. Until then, have a nice weekend!

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Space originally did make the snakecharmer jump, but since that also sent you from the win screen to the start screen some playtesters accidentally skipped it. In the end I removed the keybind for that reason.

I recommend playing all 10 levels as there are more mechanics introduced later on. Thanks for rating and leaving a comment!

Please try out the puzzle-platformer I submitted, Guido the Snake Charmer. Thanks in advance!

The voiceover and the art style both fit the setting. The amount of content is seriously impressive for a month, and the battle dialogue was funny as heck.

I couldn’t exit the settings screen and had to restart the game. Also, the game crashed after level 3 for me.

In terms of improvements, there could be more than 6 upgrades every round so players have to choose boons to miss out on. The UI could also be a bit more polished, and I noticed the health info was sometimes inaccurate. Still, great job for making such an engaging game!

The concept is fun but the controls took some getting used to. You can look into having realistic gravity in-game or showing the player’s top score.

Some sound effects would have really improved the game. A background would have made it more atmospheric.

You can use pyinstaller to compile to a standalone build fairly easily (although cross-compilation isn’t possible).

I’ve had a chance to play and rate games this jam, but lots of games still don’t have that many ratings. If you want me to rate your game, post it here. I don’t mind downloading as long as there’s a windows build.

I’ll prioritise your game if you rate mine first.

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My game Guido the Snake Charmer has some custom css, come check it out!

I have studied composition, in case you wanted to know. I agree the soundtrack’s a bit simple though, and I will add some more instruments to back up the main theme.

I added the eat mechanic so you can’t make the snake lift you straight up. I’ll consider making it smaller if I make a post-jam version.

Hope you had fun playing all 10 levels and thanks for the feedback.

Amazing quality considering the time constraints. I’m not great with FPS games but I still had a lot of fun (although I had to punch the first boss to death because I ran out of ammo). BGM/SFX kept me on the edge of my seat. The art style captured early FPS games well and the intro sequence really set the scene. It would be even better with more polish, especially with the UI and level transitions.

You guys must have been really well organised to get that much done in a month.

If the game is too hard, you can play with a friend and control one character each ;)

Satisfying game! The graphics fit together well, and music would be the cherry on the cake. Hope you’ll expand it in the future.

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Hey, I’ve got a nice puzzle-platformer for you! Here’s the game.

Nice little game! Liked the stories and funny quips when you do something you’re not meant to. I think the ticket lady’s my favourite.

Pretty fun game! Mechanics are nice. Art assets are well selected. UI is basic but functional. Some music would really improve the atmosphere in this kind of game.

Great game, really reminds me of the prisoner’s dilemma. Art style fit the theme of the game, and the backstory was compelling. Shame there wasn’t any sound. Inputting transmission heiroglyphs was a bit tedious and LAN functionality would make the game much better.

Fun and well implemented puzzle mechanics. The art could be improved though. In particular, lines became pixellated when zoomed in, but that’s unavoidable in this kind of game. Really liked the “real cherry” level.

A good sense of atmosphere conveyed by the ambience and VFX. The visuals were nice, but badly lit. I had to increase my display brightness quite a bit to see properly. The medkit(?) also blocks most of the player’s FOV. The white text in default Unity font really broke the immersion.

If you want this to be an open-world exploration game you should improve the tutorial and add more mechanics/story.

Really liked the 3d environment combined with 2d sprites, SFX was nice too. Impressed that you had enough time to add a highscore system. Not sure if you’re generating them or putting them together from predesigned segments, but the levels felt really good either way.

Spikes felt a bit too punishing. Maybe they could take 2 hearts off instead of being immediately fatal. The player could be a bit smaller to make fitting into 1-block wide openings easier. Also, the UI was a bit small on my (larger-than-average) screen.

These issues were all minor though and I still had a great time playing your game!

Good job for getting your first game out! The concept is good, and the sound and art was nice too. Some things that can be improved:

  • You should show where the player spawns before the level starts
  • Dying should restart the current level rather than go back to the very first one
  • Instead of stretching the sprites you could tile it so it looks better
  • “Guide” button doesn’t do anything
  • Try to find/make some custom UI elements instead of the default ones
  • You uploaded a debug build, which is larger than a release build and contains unnecessary files

Great game! The art fits together really well and I liked the animations. The sound feels nostalgic like old flash games. Hope you’ll add more mechanics to make this a full game.

Really great and funny meta-game. Graphics fit the theme. I liked the different contingencies. “Furry interference” is such a good phrase to use.

Some suggestions:

  • Finding features was difficult. They could be divided into sections.
  • Features should show how much time they take for each team member.
  • Some features (like 2d and 3d graphics) should be mutually exclusive.
  • Maybe have each team member actively work on tasks, so you have to keep them busy to get maximum efficiency.
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Liked the title screen and ambience. Random dungeon generation and navigation must have been hard to implement. Well done! Some suggestions:

  • Players and enemies being capsules and the finish being a cuboid really let down the graphics.
  • You should be able to use WASD and arrow keys alongside mouse controls.
  • There should be passive blue bar regeneration, as running out of it basically means you can’t continue.
  • It was hard to see things, I think there should be more light.

Played your game for a bit. It’s very unpolished as you said, so I focused on mechanics instead of appearance.

Some things to consider if you want to finish this project or start another similar one:

  • Players should be able to jump with W in addition to Space.
  • Check the player’s colliders: When sliding down walls the player is visually separated from them.
  • There’s no need to have a magenta line guiding the player to the goal: players prefer to discover things on their own. You just have to help them with good level design.
  • Web builds: it’s easy with most engines (incl. Godot) and many more people will play your game if they don’t have to download anything.

Hope you’ll have better luck next time and make a more completed game.

Really funny game. I will never forget how many bananas long a broom is now.

  • Game is simple but well executed.
  • Art style was consistent.
  • Music was simple but fit the style of the game.
  • Really creative concept, hope you’ll keep working on it and add more objects!
  • Theme interpretation was the most obvious one taken down a 17cm-long curved yellow path, well done!

You haven’t uploaded any files to the page. Reply when you do and I’ll rate the game then.

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Well done for making the game! Liked the pixel art and backstory, and the BGM was intense, but there are also things to be improved:

  • Enemies appeared to instakill me, so the health bar was functionally the same as a light bar.
  • The grass sprites and UI were a bit blurry on my display.
  • 2.5d gave retro vibes, but it was hard to tell how far away the enemies were. I think you can change their colour or add an overhead view to make it clear.
  • Switching perspectives by 90 degrees at a time felt jarring to me. I’d prefer a smooth camera.
  • It was really hard to see where the enemies were coming, and swing the weapon in time. You could add difficulty settings so new players like me can enjoy it as much as you can ;)
  • I think you included some debug info, which makes the zip unnecessarily large and increases download times.

Right now I can’t see anything other than a grey screen and some scale numbers on the bottom left using Windows 10. Please reply when you’ve fixed the issue and I’ll rate the game.

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My submission is a puzzle-platformer with Snake mechanics, think you’ll enjoy it!

Guido the Snake Charmer

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Guido the Snake Charmer

Help Guido and his “completely tame” python reach the exit in 10 mind-bogglingly challenging levels. Use apples, switches, and of course the snake itself. Appropriately programmed in Python. Good luck, and don’t get eaten!

Took a break from development and focused on the new player experience. I changed some potentially confusing labels and polished some visuals.

I’m really not sure if I should keep making web builds for the game. Obviously, browser games have less resources and can’t perform as well as native executables. The audio quality is worse and there’s input lag, to name two obvious issues. I’ve also had reports of the browser build lagging (which should make people download, but the stats show they don’t :&).

Despite the bolded disclaimer to download, the game has 10x browser plays compared to downloads, and many hits are from play-in-browser searches (so people wouldn’t even have found my game if I didn’t have a web build). I don’t know if I should let more people play a worse version of the game (which they do enjoy however judging by the reviews) or force them to download and get the best of what I made (but then some people won’t discover/play my game at all). Won’t get rid of the web build for now but if people stop enjoying it I’ll rethink if it really needs to be there.

Which version did you play? The jam-version download is the original jam submission and only kept for archival purposes. If you played that please try the newest version as well. I’ve added a note to the download page so people won’t download the jam version by mistake.

However many of your criticisms apply to the current version, and I’ll definitely take them into account when updating the game.

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  • The game didn’t feel too short or too long - every second had something new or engaging.
  • Hell yeah. You could add more knife types or make them come at different heights for more interesting gameplay.
  • The music was really nice, and fit the retro style well. Maybe the start scene could have some light BGM.
  • I liked the retro style, and the characters were well-designed, but some more colour would definitely make things better on the visual side of things, especially for the knives and UI.
  • I don’t play RPGs, so can’t comment on that, but it’s a good basic gameplay loop that is supplemented by the jokes.
  • Humour kept the game fresh. Dialogue was spot-on and I really liked how you made normally bland parts of RPG games (not gonna spoil anything but the name select and disclaimer both made me smile) funny.

Request: Grid of Yendor

My biggest project yet. It’s a minimalistic roguelike set on a spreadsheet where typing is your attack, and the characters you type are your health. I just made a big update which adds many gameplay mechanics. Please download for better sound quality and less input lag

  • Is the help text helpful?
  • Did you understand the element system?
  • Did the sound effects feel coherent? (I’m no sound designer so I had to download from a bunch of sources; hopefully I did a good job of normalising them)
  • Did you like the art style? Not sure if it’s too minimalistic.

Leave a comment or review if you like!

This game has a lot of potential. Commented on the page with what I thought could be improved in future updates.

I’m also working on a game (Grid of Yendor) and I just updated it yesterday. Would you mind checking it out and giving feedback?

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Fun game! Along with the things you’ve already put on your to-do list I’d suggest you do the following:

  • Increase the size of the enemy/bullet colliders to account for the halos: right now bullets look like they’ll hit but actually miss the target.
  • The camera movement is not perfectly smooth, you should make it smoother.
  • Improve the UI by using a custom font, and add a start and death screen to improve player experience.
  • I liked the enemy death effect where they explode, you should do that for the player as well (and wait before restarting so players can process what’s happened)

This has potential as a small but polished game to pass the time (especially if it’s playable on phones). Hope you’ll keep working on it!

Hey, I just made an update which adds elemental attacks to enemies and navigation cells to guide you to the next level. Play again to experience all the new features!

Grid of Yendor

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Just made a massive update (release notes here) which improves the tutorial and adds more variety to the game loop. Looking for feedback on everything, but particularly the tutorial system, the game loop, and of course your enjoyment. I'd appreciate ratings as well.

Please download, as the browser version has input lag and worse audio quality.