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Dragur Studios

A member registered Sep 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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hey bud looking for skills like yours to add to my team please hit me up on discord
we currently have a sound engineer and me as a developer. would love to have someone with design/ writing experience to add to the team.

anyone who would like to join my team here is a discord invite to discuss  i'm an experienced developer looking for others who would like to create fun games. 

find me on discord we could use another dev! 

sweet thanks ill take a look into it. unsure what could cause it other than anchoring being borked 

thank you for the feedback. i really wanted to expand upon the enemies but i got bogged down trying to figure out why unity was trouble talking with itch. once i figured out it was a simple toggle in the player settings for compression i was already out of time.. i think 3 mins left lol. and i scoured the web for something for the final day but thank you i will definatly ensure enemies are better suited in the future!

thank you for posting. is it possible to upload a photo for me. and let me know what resolution it is? and what browser.