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A member registered Jun 27, 2022

Recent community posts

Hi! I'm looking for help with parallax mapping for my game in RPG Maker MV.
Here a bit of a summary on how the game is

Thanks for the help in advance :)

Hi! I'm working on this project
If you are interested. I'm at a good point with all the puzzles, but help and opinions are always welcome.

Hi! I'm working on this project:
and looking for help with the graphic part, if you are interested

Hi! Your artworks are fantastic! I'm working on a project
and am looking for help with the graphics. I added you on Discord, so, if you are available, we can have a chat :)

Really nice works!

Your illustrations are so good!

Hi! A couple of others already contacted me for the role. If they'll need help, I'll contact you :)

Sure, the user is: 

I have one working for the graphic, but I think there is enough work for both

Hi! I'm looking for help about the puzzles for my game:
What do you think about it?

Hi popful, I think I could use your help for a couple of roles on my project:

Are you interested?

Sent friend request ;)

Didn't received any request. Try giving me yours

(1 edit)

Hey, I'm still in the process of creating a team, if you want to add me on Discord: dermir.

Hi! Could you remind me your Discord tag?

Discord: dermir.

Discord: dermir.

Hi! We can definitely have a chat about it. Feel free to add me on Discord :)

Hi! Add me on Discord and we can talk about it ;)

I'm working on this project atm and I need some help with the level design

Hi! I'm looking for help on RPG Maker.
Here the project I'm working on

Added on Discord ;)

Hi! Sorry for the late answer. I'll contact you on Discord

Mmm... Ok. Thanks for the answer :)

Hi Yuka! I was talking about sound with another user, but you can add me on Discord, so we can have a chat ;)

Hi! Do you have experience with RPG Maker?
I'm working on this project

Hi! Sent request on Discord

Sure thing, and thanks :) Feel free to add me on Discord ;)

Hi! The Witch's House MV is a short game and I mentioned it just for the mood I'd like the game to have. It is not necessary to have played it ;)
About RPG Maker, it is not necessary either, since I'll do the events. I was looking more for someone who could help me thinking about the puzzles.
Here the trailer of The Witch's House. 
If you are still not interested, no problem ;)

Hi! I joined the server. Let me know if you need help ;)

(1 edit)

That sounds amazing. If you want to ping me on Discord, we can have a chat there ;)
Discord: dermir.

Are you interested into my project?
Maybe as level designer?

Hi! Are you comfortable with RPG Maker MV pixel art style?

(1 edit)


I'm looking for various roles for a game inspired on The Witch's House MV.
In order of priority:
- Level Designer
- Pixel Artist
- Sound Designer
If anyone is comfortable with RPG Maker MV events and is interested, feel free to contact me.

My idea is, if and when we'll be able to complete a publish the game, to share the profits, as I think it's only fair to not work for the glory only :)


Story: The story revolves around the protagonist, Mike, who is driving his car to an unknown location. The road he is on becomes blocked, forcing him to take a detour. While driving through a forest, his car encounters a problem and comes to a stop. Mike notices smoke rising over the trees and discovers a mansion or castle nearby.

Inside, a butler informs him that he has been expected (at this point, the player can choose whether to lie or tell the truth). There are other guests present, and as night falls, some of them begin to disappear, creating a sense of tension reminiscent of Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None". During the nights, Mark will be involved in challenges with other guests. Here, he must solve puzzles and make choices that could either sacrifice his own safety or leave the others behind.

All of this occurs because the mansion is a courthouse. The protagonist and the other guests have committed a crime or a sin in the past and will be judged based on their actions. If they will continue their wrongdoing during the challenges, they will be damned; otherwise, they'll have a chance at redemption.

Gameplay aspects: I drew inspiration from the game "The Witch’s House MV" for the general theme of the game and its mechanics. There will be two different kinds of challenges for the player: scenarios that involve solving puzzles and scenarios that will test the player's reflexes.

I would like for players to be able to intuit the lore behind the NPCs and Mike's past, including their sins and the reasons why they have arrived at the mansion, all without direct explanation.

If anyone is interested to join this project, feel free to send me a message on Discord: dermir.

I hope we'll be able to create a great game :)

Hi! Are you comfortable with RPG Maker MV style tilesets and sprites? I have a couple of projects where I'd need a pixel artist

Hi! Sent you a request on Discord ;)

Hi! What kind of engine do you use?

Love your works! How do you feel about RPG Maker Pixel art style?