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Crescence Studio

A member registered Jul 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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he is truly the best way to kick off hot girl summer!!!! 

and yes!! i actually spent a lot of may reconfiguring my work-dev-life-balance LMFAO but i feel a lot better going into this month so happy to say may might not have had a lot of progress, but it definitely made a difference so i can be productive in a way that is a happy balance ^^

thank u sm for looking out and your patience as the game develops! hope all is well with you <3 


aaa thank you so much for playing!!! i'm glad you liked it. sending strength to a fellow weak soldier LMAO 

there's not supposed to be an error message but the demo does end after that little bit of banter. do you mind saying when exactly the error message comes up so i can look into it?

LOL you made it to the end!!! *bestows god's strongest soldier medal upon you*

yes, i think it was a really productive month in a way, even though it was mainly dedicated to recovering! it kinda built a solid foundation for me moving forward, so i think even though there might not have been as much progress as previous months, it will help a lot for the future ^^

thank you l, wishing you a month of good health as well!!! and i'm glad you liked fenir's little cg hehe <3 

ahhh i hope you liked it if you played it!!! thank you so much for the support always--this past month was a bit rougher on me since it was mostly recovering from the hectic april month ^^; but i'm feeling a lot better now and am excited to get back into the swing of things!


hope you enjoyed it if you got around to it!!! 

hi!! thank you so much for the detailed feedback and kind words <3 i'm so glad you enjoyed the demo ^^

i did make the change in that choice menu that you mentioned; i never realized all the other words start with 'c' haha so very cute to have them all starting with 'c' now ^^

the hover codex color, i'm going to play around with and will hopefully be able to push for the full release. i definitely want to make that feature more accessible but i'm going to have to think a bit on how to code it in. but thank you for the feedback!

for the save/load pages, i'm not sure how to implement it with the gui assets we currently have, so i can't make promises for it. but i'll at the very least try my best to think of a way to implement it for other players like you :)

thank you for appreciating the rest of the demo; the team's worked very hard on it and it's unbelievably rewarding to see players recognize that!!

so sorry for the unbelievably late reply afsolijefi but i just wanted to thank you for playing and leaving this here!! i've cleaned up the bugs you spotted and also added indicators on the save/load screen so it's easier to track which page you're on--i can't believe i missed that detail! 

hope you enjoyed the demo ^^

druk route playthrough--you are very based

hi! sorry for the late reply OTL... if you still haven't gotten kuna'a's date, you simply go to the flower field date (has to be chapter 3 date) and choose no one again. and then choose the option where you rest. then simply wait for kuna'a to come to you o7

the raven team drawing made me fall to my knees it was so cuteodoeososos. 

CONGRATS ON SO MANY WINS THIS MONTH BESTIES!!! 💖💖💖 so excited for release (and va reveals..:.. heh….heh). no matter how any of it goes, know that u all have accomplished and done so much!!! make sure to take time to soak it in and be proud of yourselves!!!!

i will be here to love and support and throw all my money at u when i can!!!!! (and if u need help w anything from beta testing to steam stuff to ANYTHING I’M ALWAYS A MESSAGE AWAY!!!! ILYSM!!!)

they all end at around the same time since their “route” in the demo is just meant to give you a small ending scene for the common route before their full route officially starts!

expected to be about $5-$7 :) 

ah, i see where the mixup is!! yes that’s just another personality question like all the others but it has no impact on what you actually become in the story <3

hi! thank you sm for playing and rly happy you enjoyed the demo!!!! for the background, you’re always a healer—that part of your character isn’t customizable. it’s moreso your personality (so how brave, kind, smart, and charismatic you are) hope that clears things up! ^^

ahhh i do think that might be a product of your laptop since the entire window seems to be glitching a bit ;_; (not just etza, but the dialogue box/bottom bit of the game too!). if you'd like, you can email me at and we can talk a bit more there to see if there's anything i can do on my end to make the game run smoother on your laptop! 

thank u sm for the thoughtful review!!! the trigger warning was very important to me to write, as i always want my games to feel like as safe of an experience for my players as possible. it took some time coming up with something that felt compassionate and "in the voice" of the fantasy world, so i'm glad it was something you appreciated <3 

so happy you enjoyed the rest of the game as well!! all the team members put so much heart into the little pieces, so seeing everything come together with everyone's hard work has been my favorite part of the process ^^ ((and yes.... so real and true about etza.... i would immediately fall to the floor if they were to ever grace me with their presence LMFAO))

very excited to show you the full game, and thank you for your support! these kinds of comments mean the world :')

THANK U SM FOR LIKING IT AAAA!!!! i've toiled over this little game for so long so it's so rewarding to know people are enjoying it and all the little details i often wondered were even worth it LMAO. thank you for playing and YEEEAAA get ur friends on this thing LOL

hi!! the stats screen definitely shouldn't be crashing; it being a demo is no excuse lol! if you feel comfortable, feel free to message me either on twitter @crescencestudio or email me at about your bug report and the details of the crash and i can try and figure out what exactly is going on there :) very sorry for the inconvenience 

thank you for playing and enjoying everything besides that tho LOL! <3

ahhh thank you for the kind words!!! so glad you like our little fantasy world and definitely eyeing your theories with curiosity :') we'll see if they get confirmed in the full game, haha!

and really happy to know you like the cast <33 it's already a compliment when people like multiple lis, much less when they like the whole cast ^^ excited to see how you enjoy their routes; thank you so much for playing and leaving such a kind review!! <3

those are such kind words ;_; thank you for enjoying the game so far and playing!!! i'm really glad people can see how much love (aka how much i've toiled LOL) has been put into this game. it's been in the making for such a long time and has come so far since i first started my dev journey, and knowing all those hours i've put into the game can be felt is incredibly rewarding ^^

if/when you ever get around to making ANYTHING, please don't hesitate to let me know i would love to support it!!! 

and i'm glad people have been enjoying the etza scene as much as they have haha <3 i wanted them to come across as a really compassionate person and sometimes worried their support might feel "cheesy" but i'm glad people are reading it as genuine and kind ^^ thank you for the support again and can't wait for you to see the full game! 

ahhh thank you so much for writing such a thoughtful review!!! it makes me (and the rest of the team) happy to know people are enjoying the different parts of the game so much, especially since everyone has worked so hard on their individual pieces to make sure the game is pretty and immersive <3

i'm glad the personality function is something that makes the gameplay feel unique to you!! i def tried to add different situations where different personalities might (re)act in unique ways and it's been really fun to see the different oc's/sona's people have made because of the personality feature!!! hope you have a lot of fun with that and finding the different ways that your personality affects the story and how characters interact with you ^^ thank you sm for enjoying the game as much as you have and leaving such kind words!!! it means the world <3 


when his va sent me their lines, i definitely felt my heart beat faster hearing his voice LMFAOO so i'm glad other ppl like their voice as much as i do! <3

DREAMTYYYY THANK YOUU!!! im so so glad you like it this comment means sm to me!!!! thank you for playing and supporting q.q

and fenir is YOURS!! 

two very wholesome choices ^^ thank you sm and so glad you are enjoying it!! 

ahhh thank you sm for playing the og and supporting all this time!!! hope you like the enhanced version just as much <3

oh my god you don’t even know how long i’ve been waiting to see this comment 

ahaha it’s so crazy to see comments like this compared to the og demo release when it was a little quieter around here! thank you so much and i hope you enjoy the enhanced version! <3

thank you so much ahhh!!!! hope you like it 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖

thank you so much ahhh!! hope you like it ;_;

THANK YOUU!! it’s been a long journey but we are slowly getting there!!! 

WHAT!! this is such a compliment.... seduce me is one of THE ogs for me!!! so honored to know u like alaris that much ;_; hope you like the enhanced version!! it's come so far since the og <3 

hi! if you're playing on mobile, that's just a limitation to playing on mobile, unfortunately. i didnt built or test the game for mobile play, so i'm not sure what the workaround would be. i can only suggest playing on browser through a laptop or computer! very sorry <\3

hi!!! THANK U FOR LIKING <3 we don't have plans for dlc--the extended version was already more content than we had originally intended to include. so flattered u would be interested but i currently have my plates full with other projects and have expanded the intertwine universe as much as i think i'm able to :') 

hi! unfortunately this game wasn't made for or tested on mobile so i wouldn't know how to get past that part ;( i can only recommend playing it on browser on a computer or laptop. very sorry! 

it’s been rly rewarding to see all the kickstarter support pay off and i’m in love with the work everyone has put into the game! it’s come very far from the og version so i am excited for everyone to finally experience it for themselves ^^

THANK YOU!!! very excited for ppl to finally experience the new demo and hope it makes ppl even more excited for the full game <3

OMGG that means so much to me!!! i’m so happy ur excited for it and can’t wait for you to play ^^ tysm for supporting!!!!