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A member registered Mar 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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The animation, environment design and colours are beautiful. You did well.

It looks really good.

Thank you for your honest.

This tutorial is really good for everyone wants to start PS1 style. Not that only even those who wants to learn about Blender Bones and LowPoly, this tutorial provides good information to begin with. Thank you.

This is new to me! I never faced something like this before. 

3RD Person gives you a better view of the main character. You can see him/her behavior when get hit, fall down, afraid, or die. Through the game, this thing builds a connection between the Player and the Main character.

Could you give us example?

oh man! this really a big project. It may take from you not months maybe years. The trees scene is really beautiful.

Good luck.

Blender? Using blender as game engine is a different thing. Godot will help you a lot if you want to take your games up. What I like on this video is the Music. Maybe later I will test the demo. 

Good Luck.

For me C#. Simple ^-^

(1 edit)

If is not enough to get more people for your game. Try to find a place to share it. Like, facebook, twitter, and reddit.

Three games!!! WOOW man. Good Luck.

You did not get it! Make adult things doesn't mean you will get success. Example "Nintendo". Is good to trust yourself, but it could fool you. Girl, take a step back, think about yourself. Listen to what people said. If you want to make something new and asking for ideas, take these examples and be creative "Limbo/Fez/Baba Is You".

Good Luck.

Pepsi Man. Simple idea. Could you do it?

Yes, that could be done. But how long will take from you? A month? Look, I don't like this kind of idea. If your game needs from you more time ..... give it more. don't rush polish it well, sent some beta for test. Your idea could be brilliant but your mistake could kill it.

"btw im kinda a logical person whos not very emotional, i am kinda a big thinker and ideas come easily to me."

Girl, listen to those older than you. Don't cross this line just because you think you older. Enjoy your young life is more better. Nintendo builds their industry on what children's love.


Many titles of PS1 & 2 are beautiful. For me "horror" games are more joyable.

I remember, Half-Life, and Dead Space 1, Fable, Fatal Frame ... etc. Many characters I loved actually not talking. Maybe on the cut-scene. But I prefer the hear my character voice.

Zero. I just started. ^-^

Klazle: Klazle is a puzzle game where Genie is trying to challenge you with four difference kind of games. These games are Card Memory, Slide, Math, and Diamonds. Every game have 30 levels. Start from easy to hard mode.