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A member registered Jan 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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lovely punchy design, best bullet hell game i've found on this here site

using the resolution to reveal text as you approach is really beautiful technique, lovely work ✨

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Totally loved this, it somehow manages to land all the aspects without undermining itself

the next pizza jam is in july if you’re around

Was just looking back through some of my favourite pizza jam entries and this was easily one of the most impressive! So many mechanics and lovely details ✨ 

Amazing art design, i've fallen out of love with 3d art recently but those gradients are really doing so much! Inspiring thank you

The writing is convincingly specific, made me want to go hunt out my ds copy of flower sun and rain and become a stylus conspiracy theorist once more ✨

This is just excellent, unbelievably good use of decker -you love to see it!

very satisfying procedural music! love the idea for the button too, Fab work all round

Ah here, this is incredible✨ The audacity of making this in a month is frankly rude

Berry you have such magic colour sense! I love all the holographic sticker style and waddling around this little world ✨ 

Ah this is fab, all the image fragments create a lovely sense of place and intimacy. Thanks for letting us in 

love all the different art styles for each character, somehow really works. This is exactly what my last trip to Kilkenny was like ✨

Gathering assorted rings with enigmatic descriptions is such a winning set up. It took about 1000 years but i did eventually punch the true king. Lovely business Geeni💫

Love is possible... NOW!

AWWw what a perfect delivery of an idea, the laid-back low-stakes vibe really works for a sokoban. Love pottering around with my son ✨

This is excellent, i felt it shift some things around in my head. John Madden would be proud 🌸

I love how you gave due time to his weighty blink 💪✨turns out you can't win a war fighting with your brother

aw thanks Siobhan 🌸

This is gorgeous! delighted to find this & appreciate the opportunity to spend more time in Tassing 🌸

Such a lovely scritchy-scratchy marker style, these small moments have a real sense of place ✨

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of course, thats the plagarist's promise

Edit: Also please keep adding to your collection of recommended games its been a trove of gems for me!  

amazing the longing i felt to get them to meet, very powerful business right here

I find this honour-based system of recounting of your actions so inspiring, immediately added to my 'cool ideas to plagiarize' list ✨

ooo such inspiring style, thank for the ideas ✨

haha your take feels v different i hadn’t noticed!he was actually the reason i started making games (and we both live in glasgow 🙋‍♂️) 

Really nice space to waddle about in, voiceover felt intimate. and I love the bare floating text on screen aesthetic, text-boxes are a prison 😌

I find text boxes stifling and I've always wanted to try dialogue / story text playing out like youre walking across a zine -i wasnt sure the pacing would work, but i can see it does 😌

Damn, this helped solve a game dilemma i was having, thanks for the inspiration✨

Oh thats gorgeous, really evocative little exploration moments, thanks for the inspirations ✨

Congratulations on winning the jam! email me at and we can arrange a time and date that suits for the pizza  ✨

Whoa ya’ll turned everything up to 100. My computer could barely run it when there were lots of explosions and assets on screen! nice assets and graphics though. I especially love the youtube trailer, all those drawings are fab ✨

Haha It took me ages to figure out what the $ was! I like the 3d models and you managed to create a pretty dense tower defence game in such a short time, thanks for jamming ✨

Nice job making the only entry with a character select screen! Love the 2.5d style of the whole thing. I was very bad at racing but i love the vibes ✨

Aw i love the art style especially the lil fish drawing. I am also James, so i was able to relate *except to the killer ending :(  Very lovely looking entry! ✨

Very sweet of you to say 😌

I felt completely overwhelmed in a hilarious way. The sprites are very cool and the game page description is fabulous ✨

Actually great use of the theme. The sounds are seriously crazy and i love the mishmash of assets and styles

Nice low poly assets, especially the flapping chicken animation! I also fell through the map but made it back eventually 💪 Cute fun game

Aw I really love this theme /  mechanic combination ✨ Very impressive to make this in such a short time. The aesthetic totally works too, very dope entry!