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A member registered Sep 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey! I’d love to work with you! I have a lot of experience writing for film and editing\helping with others scripts. Making my way into games right now, would love to collaborate! Message me on discord sia-alex#7799 

Hey, everyone!

I'm a screenwriter and a narrative designer looking for a next project. I have many years of experience writing for movies and only recently started following my new passion of writing for games. I have written an award winning horror film, comedies and dramas. 

Would love to collaborate on your next project. 

Hit me up sia-alex#7799

Hey, everyone!

I'm a writer/narrative designer looking for a team. Have experience writing an award-winning horror short film. Can also bring voice talent, direct and record sound with them. Love all different sub-genres of horror, but gothic horror and paranormal has a special place in my heart. Would love to collaborate and work on something together!

Hit me up sia-alex#7799

Lovely game, nice design, but no exit button XD

Loved the platforming and the mechanics. I would pitch the sound down though.

What a lovely game! A s a big fan of Trip To The Moon I enjoyed it a lot. Georges Melies meets Cuphead. Wish it was longer. Wanna play more of this. If you ever make a full game please message us.

(1 edit)

Very nice game! Loved the theme and story. Takes a second to figure out how to play, but then immediately got into it. Very nice experience, had a lot of fun! Very Doom.

Unfortunately couldn't figure out how to stop spinning uncontrollably.  Seeing comments I figured that many players had the same issue, but figured it out after a while of playing. Since I'm not a fan of the genre, I didn't have enough patience.

The tutorial although thorough was a bit overwhelming. I wish it was given step by step as you play, but I do understand that there were resource/time limitations that probably prevented this.

I'm sorry to say this but I did not enjoy playing this game. 

My biggest issue was the theme. I understand that this was intended as a joke, but I find this a bit in poor taste. Humor helps deal with tragedies like this, but I feel like it is too soon. There is a reason why Jojo Rabbit wasn't made in 1940s. Also the theme of leaving the planet to go to the moon due to x reason is a very predictable theme and was kinda overused in this game jam. Wish it was a bit more innovative.

The art is pretty, but not my cup of tea. I also had trouble controlling the ship. It could've been much smoother.

Enjoyed the game, but wish it had more to do with the theme. Awesome art and sound! Gave me Scott Pilgrim game vibes. 

I think graphics is the strongest part of the game. We know that it was optimized for controler, but maping of keyboard controls could've been better. Two of us had to sit in an uncomfortable and awkward position to play this. Maybe move next time second controls to numpad?

Tried to play it a few times but couldn't succeed much. Don't know if it's just us or the zombie pace is off.

Love the story. Spent a solid hour playing this game, Great job on balance. Simply, love it!

Watch out for the issues with different screen resolution - when fullscreen the speed of the conveyer changes which some puzzles unsolvable.

I love how much satisfaction I get from solving the puzzle. Loved the game, finished all levels. Could be great for mobile.

Wish the camera was further from the character. Also wish the waves were bigger and came faster, but I loved the design of moons and the idea of jumping between them.