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Cicada Games

A member registered Nov 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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At the moment, yes it will only be chapter 1.

Hey thanks for checking in, I'm so happy to hear that you are excited for the full game.

Currently we are in beta testing, which is a very good sign about the release! We haven't announced the release date yet, so keep an eye out for that.

If you are interested, you can keep up with development by signing up for our email list which we send out about once per month:

Thank you!

In the full game there is something that could be interpreted as a "boss fight" in a way on one of the islands.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for playing. I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I can't wait for you to see the full game!

Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it so much!

Thank you for the tip for other Linux users!


Thank you!!

Thanks for playing, and thanks so much for sharing the video! I'll check it out soon!

(4 edits)

No, this will remain this portion of the game. It's possible that there could be future updates, which is what happened with v4.0, but it won't give access to the full game.

When the full game releases, it will definitely be released on as well as Steam! You will be notified and sent your key on Kickstarter when the game launches.

Very cool. I love the freedom of placing pieces. Requiring only a number of spaces to be filled was a great choice!

Yo this is REALLY good! I loved it.

I am so excited that you are anticipating this game that much! Can't wait to share the full game with you!

Thank you! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Glad you enjoyed it! I hope you will try out the full game when it releases!

Thanks for your help! I will be fixing bugs and expanding the game in the future for a full release!

That's correct!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Not winning doesn't mean something is wrong with your game mate, there were lots of great games in this jam. Don't take it personally.

Congrats to the winners and thanks for putting on this game jam, it was a fun one!

Hey glad to hear you enjoyed it!

1. Yes.

2. Yes, as you unlock more friends and items, you will gain access to more and more areas.

3. I am aiming for the end of next year for release. The price will be $15, and my estimate at the moment is the game will feature 10 to 15 hours of gameplay. If I have time I will be able to add more content.

4. At the moment I'm not taking any puzzle ideas, and the only testing we are doing is internally and with alpha testers from the Kickstarter project.

Woot! Thanks so much for making this video and sharing. I love to see when people are excited about the game!!

(5 edits)

I don't think any game jam should be set up as a popularity contest to begin with! I don't blame you at all and I don't think you cheated in any way, it was just a strange set up and a bit confusing for everyone. What you did was not against any rules. Luckily they have said that those voted scores won't be a factor in their final decisions, so anyone accusing you of "cheating" is just being silly at this point. If you are new to game dev, just keep in mind that there are a lot of overly competitive people that get really negative during game jams, just ignore them and keep doing what you love.

Nice! I love 2D / 3D mashups / 2.5D games. Good luck!

Interesting game, and great job with the artwork in such a short amount of time!

I found this to be really enjoyable! I loved the missions and upgrades, and I  could see this being expanded out to a full game with even more missions, upgrades, and other areas to travel to with light speed jumps. It also had some nice juice going on when things explode. Great job!

(1 edit)

Very interesting and challenging mechanics, well done! Love the atmosphere and music as well.

I just though the rules were fairly clear, agree to disagree then. Cheers!

(2 edits)

The guy I responded to was claiming that the rules about judging (YYG and judges deciding the final winners) was not clear / not stated. I responded with the rule stating that from the original event post.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!

Thank you so much!

"While voting is in place to highlight the best games the final winners decision will be at the discretion of YoYo Games and Opera."

"While voting is in place to highlight the best games the final winners decision will be at the discretion of YoYo Games and Opera."

Sorry but the rules were very clearly laid out that way!

Woot! So happy to be in the top 10 for fun! 

Haha thank you so much!
