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A member registered May 29, 2023

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thanks for your comments! in the near future we are planning on doing so!

DUDE! A DINOSAUR BULLET HELL REVERSE GAME! you had all my attention haha, love it! the only thing i find to improve is that if you stay still you can also aim to all directions

really nice stickman game, i hoped for two more battles!

very addictive, great mechanics on a tower defense. maybe controls can be upgrade to make easier the navigation

good intro and enviroment,  somehow the camera sometimes are little buggy. but i really enjoy it!

it make my laught a lot haha. good sound, mechanics and super quick game. !! keep doing it 

good mechanics, great game! i reach like wave 12. and became really difficult.  it was nervous that only some emberlike material came on the line :(

dude! this game is incredible, great graphics, great physics, update are a real piece of cake!! only find minor bugs on bullets that never came out and one zombie that never die

good concept, i would love to see more mechanics, maybe a free camera and a mini tutorial. great job!

i loved the aesthethic of the game, really nice menu and puzzles. the only thing i may change is that instead of R and E i will use left click, space bar, enter, or another key. i really like it, good game!

thank´s a lot for your comment, math is even good for sleeping sickness, you start making problems in your head before bedtime and you will get knockout asap haha

thanks for your comment! we love the combination of these two themes haha. hope we make it full and release somewhere else

Hello there, thanks for your comment, im somehow good on math and aiming but at firt we planned to make more difficult math problems, then we figure it than even some engenieers cannot resolve, aim and take away stress from all zombies coming in all directions hahah. 

thanks for your comment!! yes we only manage to work in only few days because of other works, maybe 2 to 3 days of real work for this game, we really enjoy it a lot, we are still planning to makje some adjustment and let it be, glad you try it and give feed, really important!

i do love those ducks characters :D. 

nice art! too bad that the thief kill my owner haha. 

nice game!! good sound!

nice game! good mechanics!

what a lovely tale! great execution and performance. i have a bug where the game crash whhen mum tell us to go to sleep. also the idle camera sometime make me somehow dizzy because it moves a lot. overall grat game! continue developing it! 

nice game! it plays so smooth. sometimes i find myself lost in how to make some stuff, maybe a better tutorial could make it :D

it too fast, i could event get to know all tutorial that the alien was eating me alive haha, the phone ui was good!. 

dude!!! what a nice game, really smooth, super nice art and mechanics, sometimes it gets too dark. fantastic job!!

good mechanics and story, got somu bugs and break the level twice, also some controller problem with x and y axis on the mouse controller, overall great experience 

good art, sound and mechanics, got some bugs during tutorial so i have to play it several times to end it. great job!

what a beatifull game! sound, art, level design, concept, great job, one thing i would change is that changing character coould be made it with the letter Q so i dont have to change hands disposition in beetween game 

nice game, good old arcade vibes, music is great, mechanics are correct, i get to the blue shield sort of and feel that it stuck on there. 

fun game, good premise, i think you could make differente sound for your rifle and a little longer track in music in background to avoid being repetitive in the second play. 

fun game, good premise, i think you could make differente sound for your rifle and a little longer track in music in background to avoid being repetitive in the second play. 

thanks for your comment! it was somehow difficult to make two dimension without much information given to the player. hope we can continue delevoping it.

Oiga!, we really had fun making all sound and dialogue for this game

thanks for your comment!

thanks a lot for your comment!. we hope to try to develop a little longer on pawfinder at least to reach our first impression.

thanks for your comment!! we struggle a lot with time and we had to cut a lot haha

thanks for your comment! we arre sorry you couldnt make it to the last area and save barry. 

thanks hope you enjoy it!! 

thanks!! hope you can finish the game, we really try to make something different for this jam.

one of the most fun game and theme accomplish in the jam! great job!

nice game!, find some difficulties without a sign that help you find the place you need to deliver the pizza. good controls

i think i heard daytona sounds in my mind while playing this game!. so cool, driving controls sometimes got wierd, love it 

that´s a fun game to play! got to lvl 4!. sometimes mosnter spawn too quick but overall its a great game!