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A member registered Jul 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yeah but if I had lost my version of the game which has the exe file and other required elements then how would I have been able to play the game just by downloading the latest version? [Sorry if this sounds stupid, I know nothing about RenPy]

Game crashes on windows version if I go to Lin’s bedroom at night on a Wednesday. The error happens after the dialogue Lin says about being sleepy. The day at the time of this error: 612.

Error Message: [Error message reached the character limit and I didn’t want to cut anything out of the message because it could be important]

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I can’t find my old copy of the game and I’m pretty sure that it was on 0.15, how do I get the new version if I didn’t have the windows version installed previously?

nvm I had 0.16.2

Thank you

is this a visual novel?

I was just reporting a rendering error.

Why do I need visual studio c++ runtime to play the game?

(1 edit)

In the school part with Lauren (extremely early on in the game) her skirt is inside of her thigh. Nitpicking, I know, but still breaks the immersion (not that there’s really any for me I was literally skipping to the sex parts)

Also all of the skirts have no posing applied to them making every single skirt clip into the characters legs.

The regular outfit version crashes after I try to load my second save slot from the swimsuit version.

Judging by the file size of this game’s zip alone I’m assuming this is another one of your porn games that has 2% porn and 98% someone needs to hire you for something that isn’t a porn game.

What a name.

Okay man but like, just one more sex scene please?

I do not reccomend this game for nsfw purposes unless you want to skip 10 trillion cutscenes to get to the actual sex. I’m serious, I tried to skip to a sex scene and ended up in a goddamn space station. I quit playing after that.

Maybe none of them have a linux to test it on

Now that gave me a chuckle

Not too big of a fan of the tank controls

I think they should add gay stuff. Not that I’m gay or anything.

KARLSON community · Created a new topic Fake Karlson ad

There is a fake Karlson youtube ad linking to

shut it

He’s probably already done with it at this point


(1 edit)

are there jumpscares in this game?

edit: ok so here is the way to identify the pure form anomaly: it has a minor jumpscare where its hand covers the camera, the hand has an eyeball in the center. I just encountered it in the living room.

this should have its own engine similar to source so that its easy for people to make their own games like this

I closed the tab I was playing the game in when I saw the woman in the laundry room.

Who’s with me on this?

it’s kinda meta if you replay the endings, like the character knows what’s going to happen.

is there jumpscare?

when is that 0.60 update coming out?

That would be cool.

I already asked that 17 hours ago

The suspicious wink at the end makes me think that you want some not so family-friendly action to happen before the release of 0.2 for free.

can you release 0.2 for free later on?

When is 0.60 coming out? I read on the patreon that 0.60 is currently only available for beta testers.

are you actually being serious?


guess who’s back, back again. Blackslither’s back, tell a friend.

egg dog

an easter egg in the form of an eggdog.

for reference image here is an egg dog:

Runey, can you add an easter egg dog into the game? preferably in the garden because currently the garden has barely any purpose.

finally, people who are tired of the same old boring visual novel games!