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A member registered Apr 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's a really nice game. It feels like a mixture of Pac-Man and Crazy Taxi with its arcade style. I encountered a bug where the game would not register the pins falling down because they were placed too close to a wall. Knocking them would make them lean against a wall, and sometimes it isn't visibly against the wall. I think there should be a higher threshold. Also, a way to change sensitivity would be nice because I felt it was too high. Still, it was fun playing.




Thank you!


I really like how much polish has been put into the game. At first, I thought it was a really fancy-looking guessing game. I thought the only way to win was luck and all you had to do was press next. Then I saw your hints on the page. It took me a while to understand what you meant. But after that, the game became fun. I replayed it a bunch of times, but in the end I still couldn't win. It's nice how there is strategy in a game like this. Also, the game looks great. One thing I would like is a full-screen that covers the taskbar (because for me for some reason it didn't) or at least a settings menu for configuration. Anyway, it was a great game!


The game's dialogue and story was funny and interesting. I played through till the end because I wanted to see the end of the story, even if it is a slightly long game for a game jam. The art was also nice. My only issues were with the controls with wall-jumping, it didn't feel right. And also I think you are constantly += gravity to the player's velocity, so when you walk off the edge after a wall you plummet down really fast. Lastly, a full-screen button would've been nice. Nevertheless, the game was great and I enjoyed it.


This game feels a lot like Pac-Man. The art is very nice as well. But, I found that if I just stick to the wall, I can avoid getting hit completely. Still, great idea!


Thank you!


Lol it would be funny on a Wii. Thanks for playing!


Lol. Thanks for playing!


The game has nice art and storytelling, but I was honestly lost on what I had to do. I explored the map and then suddenly people were reaching equilibrium and then I did. Was that supposed to happen, or did I lose? Still, the game looked great!


Thank you!


The dialogue was nice and funny. It was obvious there was effort with the looks of the game, especially with the dust particles. My only complaint is that I found the map to be too big, and I felt bored as I was waiting till I reached the destination. Another thing is I think you forgot to normalize the player's movement because the player moves faster when moving diagonally. I'm assuming you are using Godot and to normalize the movement you do .normalized() to your direction. Nevertheless, the story was nice.


Really nice game idea. I personally found the movement too floaty and hard to control. The Earth would die by the time I manage to adjust and move towards the enemies to place the turrets.


Thank you. I decided to make a small game in order to make it well polished and I'm glad people are appreciating it. I added onehanded mode because people told me they got tired and although I preferred the default, I still added it. It also has gamepad support which might make even more sense with this mode. Thank you for enjoying the game!


Thank you for playing! Yes, this game can definitely be expanded on with more enemies and powerups and even better progression.


Everyone likes eggman! Thank you for playing.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.


Thanks! Also, there's always the one-handed mode for those who might find two sets of controls difficult.


I managed to beat it now, thanks for the hint. The water part was a nice challenge, at first I was trying to figure out how to do it, but I got it, and it was a nice balance. Beat it in 222.88 seconds, lol.


That's the best part. Thanks for playing!


Yeah, definitely. I planned to add a boss as well but didn't manage to do so. I still made it so there is a difficulty curve; as you progress, the spawn timer decreases. Thanks for playing!


The game was amazing. It felt like I just finished watching a movie at the cinema. The storytelling is amazing, and the whole idea is funny. I did not expect it to be a tower defense from the intro, but it was great.


I figured it out, but sometimes my player would get stuck and lose his ability to move. The idea is great, but the game is kind of hard.


Thank you for playing it and recording it! I'll check the video out.


It's a really nice, simple game. The art is goofy as well. It would be nice if the player stood out more though.


The art & animation is amazing. However, I encountered a bug where interacting with the door froze me after the dialogue ended. Anyway, I restarted the game. The storytelling is also great. One thing is I didn't realize I had to kill the green boss at the end and I just walked past him and continued scrolling right to what felt like it was infinite. So, I walked back. It would've been nice if there was something to stop me from doing that. Anyway, the game is great, the mechanics are great, and so is the art!


Honestly, this game is very confusing. I didn't know what I was meant to do, and I had a hard time figuring out the controls, and even then they were clunky. I carried the box to the PC eventually, and then it said I lost. However, maybe the fault is on me and the game is actually fun if I figured it out.


Unique game and levels are nice, but I found it to be too hard. Couldn't get past this part because my head would keep bumping on the ceiling.


Thank you for playing. I agree  I feel like this game has great potential. Is your mouse issue from my side or yours? So that I can fix it if I can.


Nice game.


Good luck on your journey.


Thank you. This is a very old basic program I made a long time ago.




Thank you! I'm glad that I managed to meet my goal with this. I wanted a game that was simple enough to be finished in a game, but replayable to the point where I might find myself playing this whenever I'm bored, and of course enjoyable with the simplicity. And I made this game to try out exporting to the PSP using Godot, which is why it might be lacking in features. But I did however join this jam like one day before it ended, and I chose a random jam for this. Thank you again for playing and for your feedback!


Thanks for playing! I bet if the game escalated further it would be impossible, lol xD Enemies were spawning I think every 0.4 seconds in the final level!


Nvm, I got 18280!




Thanks for playing!


I tried to figure out how to make enemies not spawn on top of or close to the player but it didn't really work. There is a line of code in the script that is meant to do that, and I didn't remove it, but I don't think it works lol. Thanks for playing though!


Getting 21,000 points is insane! I couldn't get higher than 10k. Thank you for playing!
