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A member registered Jun 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! 

I'm busy so I don't have the time to fix the problem for now, but i'll fix it as soon as possible !

The game is really easy (i barely did a no hit run)  but it's still fun, Graphics are cool, musics too.  Sadly, there is no different type of ennemies, no different patterns but the boss design and the way they are used to learn how to defeat properly the final boss is really smart

Thank you, and sorry for my english! ^^

You're not the first to mention transitions! That's funny because i add them very quickly at the end of the development and it's just a big sprite translating to the right! xD

I'm glad you enjoy my tiny game! ^^

UPDATE :  New version with no music because royalties free music are not allowed in the jams. And I don't want you to be deaf.

If the jam don't allow me to do this, i'm allowing myself, no problem. Music is not one of my talent, I credits artits, i don't make money on their works, so everthing is fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(1 edit)

Thank you for comments! :)

Being stuck in the ground is a part of the game. There is only few blocks were you can walk: those with grass on them!

Merci! J'aime bien le contraste orange/bleu de manière générale ahah

Les collisions c'est un problème survenu assez tôt, j'ai essayé de "level designer" en conséquence. Je ne sais toujours pas comment régler le problème! ^^" 

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Thank you!

Yes, i tried to rework and simplify collisions masks during the extended time we had for the submission, but it didn't really work! At this time, i can't tell why collisions are so buggy. :/

Technically, they are: it's just the sprite that broke remade in particles. There is only a resize of the original 30x30 sprite into 5x5 sprite by Construct 2. :)

Hey! Thank you! Second time one of my games is featured in one of your video! Ahah! x)

Oh! Thank you a lot! :D

First of all, thank you for your support! :D

Sorry for the colors, i'm not a big fan of green ahah! x) 

I'm glad you liked it, by the way! :) 

Hey! Thank you! :D

That's strange, playtest told me that GB color version is a way more unclear to red than the blue/orange but okay, why not ahah x)

Not too bad! :P

No, but i think i worked something like 20 (maybe 30) hours? I guess? x)

Baguette fromage

(Merci <3 )

Maybe the game need some indication to let the player know through which the player is allowed to pass or which element/wall he can desctruct. By the way the gameplay is simple and it's its force too. Simple but really great! Well done! :)

The game concept is so brillant but the game is really frustrating, due to the ennemie's IA wich is all about aleatory. I hope you'll correct that because you have an idea which is REALLY interesting! 

Addicting! :D

The idea is pretty interesting but i think the ball is a lil bit fast and/or too big. 

By the way, you made a good job and the concept is pretty great! :)

Understood! :)

I was speaking of a fade made with the change of the alpha. I have to modify that now ahah! 

Thank you! :)

If your idea is to make a 2D game, yeah, go on GM or Construct or another easy-to-code engine. They are made for tiny games and testing, so i think that they'll fit perfectly for that job! :)

Hi everyone! I was peacefully on my game when a question came in my mind. 

I use something in Construct 2 which fades my object - pure style, no gameplay interest -. So, i was wandering if these 50 shades of transparency (lol) were allowed or not? Because, technically, Construct 2 (here) generate new colors.

Thank you! :)

The story is original, the gameplay idea too. Good job! :)

Simply love that game! <3

I enjoyed playing this game! :) I'm really fan of the graphics. I just had some problems  with the timing, when to press space bar? I must confess that i finally spammed space bar, but your universe is really fun! :)

Ahah! Thank you! :)

I don't even thought that someone will try it with a touchpad! I'm sorry ahah! ^^"

YEAH! Thank you! :D

I'm pretty jealous of your graphics!

All i was able to make is this pretty Trumptopus!

I'm french and we use eggplant for some sort of suggestion too ahah

Damn! Some emoji are missing. It makes it  harder! 

Love your notes btw ahah!

Hey! That's pretty interesting! Depending of the device with which we saw the document, emoji look not exactly the same! It can probably change reading of the document! Its has  a lot of interpretation! That's crazy!

Here is what i see:

The sprite for the dancer change all my conception, for exemple; Incredible.

I have always worked in group. That's my first jam alone and on a really long period (never jamed an entire week).

Also my photoshop is pretty buggy this time so i'm trying a software named FireAlpaca. Really strange to use after PS ahah