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Thank you so much!!! We're happy you enjoyed the true ending, we hope you still had fun through your replays!

We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed Beatrice, she's the woman of our dreams honestly. Thank you again!!

OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY SEEING THIS MADE THE BOTH OF US!!! Your Laser looks SO GOOD, we love how you did the eyes and also, we're really impressed with how you stylized the outfit as well - especially their shoulder pads! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!

Dw about it we appreciate it A LOT. We always look forward to getting feedback especially when it's from someone being so excited about something we made! Wishing you watered crops and clear skin ♥️

hgsdklhgsdjghsd I swear this has to be one of the sweetest comments I ever got on my art!! Thank you for playing it so thoroughly and getting all the stickers. We're both so happy you had fun, especially with that one ending <3

Thank youuuuuuu! Good luck! You can use your mouse wheel to quickly go back if a choice doesn't have the expected outcome :)

Hi! We hope you enjoyed our game :) And for the ending you're missing, well... you might have a little too much good chemistry with Laser ;)

THANK YOU so much you have no idea how happy it makes us to hear you like our blorbos!!!!
Oooooh the sticker you're missing is for the "true" ending! I'll give you a hint - look for positive reactions from Laser in the many dialogue choices you're given while you're at the bar, and try to get as many as you can right. Let us know if you find it ;)

Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed!

I loved playing this game! The visuals, the music and the story all work together really well. It was a quick play but really fun! (also I loved all the endings but one in particular made me really smile I didn't expect it! :) )

Our first release! 

Picture this: it's Friday night. You got a drink in one hand, good company to your side, and an important mission to complete: steal a phone charm. That should be easy, right? ... Right?

Within Arm's Reach is a short, silly VN about what happens to you when you accept to work overtime. Stay safe out there.

This was SO fun. The tangent about the sodas was so funny, and this was such a fresh take on succubi stories! And the art is so cohesive, too! It reminds me a lot of y2k aesthetics, especially the GUI and lettering (obsessed with Sacha's wing & tail in the textbox). I really enjoyed it!

Oh my, thank you so much for leaving feedback!!! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed our little game and its characters. Hopefully one day we get to expand the universe they're in :)