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Bagong Games

A member registered Nov 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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No worries, you can use it for both commercial and personal projects. Good luck!

I think all the 2D assets out there with the extension .png, .jpg, and so on should be compatible with Godot. This asset can also be used for both top-down and platformers.

The premium version has all animations and .ase files, please check all the folder

That’s perfectly fine :)

Maybe I won't make it for now because my goal is to make the base of the character so that people can be creative more easily and avoid duplicating each other.

FYI, I've got the master file. But since I don't know other people's workflows, I separated it according to the animation. I'll include it later when I create the bow animation (pretty busy this week).

(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for mentioning me. I really like the concept, can't wait till the final version which has more features, more enemies, etc. Keep the good work!

Edit: hope you add chaotic difficulty XD

Iya mas

Hi, thanks for your lovely comment!


Credit is'nt required, but really appreciated

You can still download the free version :)

I'll, but idk when I've time.

I've fixed it, thanks for telling me 

Hi, thanks for being patient! I finally added the attack-sword animation.

Next, I'll add other attack animations. Stay tune!

Which sprite is that? And what animation? I'll fix it asap.

(1 edit)

Yes, I definitely will! I'm working on a game right now, and a lot of you have requested an update for my asset packs. I'll do my best to dedicate time to it.

Thanks for your support!

I got a time and this assets pack has updated, yay!

Roger that!

Thanks! I will update it, but I'm currently still working on my own game :)

Yeah, you could, just download it :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for informing me of this problem!
I've installed Unity 2022 and take a look at the problem. Apparently, Unity limits developers from changing their libraries. So, I moved the ExtendedRuleTile.cs to Assets folder. Try downloading the updated file and importing it to your project.

Thanks for the info, already fixed it! And yeah, I've got a plan to make some combat animations. Stay tune~

Thanks! I'll still update it. Stay tuned🔥

I won't for now because this is just an educational game, and I'm still doing research for the entertainment version.

I doubt it will work, but if you insist, you have to edit it to match the style and color. 

I've added a free pack. Enjoy :)

Glad you like it! :)

Glad you like it! I wanted to make the Javanese Wayang culture look interesting, so I designed it that way :)

Thanks for playing! Unfortunately, this game has no English localization yet. I will add it asap :)

Just release complete 16x16 tileset for your games

Hana Caraka - Cozy Island Topdown Tileset by Bagong Games (

Congrats and thanks!

I've written the instructions in the description. I've had no time this week to add in-game instructions. Thanks for playing! 

Done :) 

I did get the concept, unfortunately, that was inconsistent for me. You've built the atmosphere, but suddenly you change it on the second and third. It would be better if you stuck to an art style and mechanic with different bosses who had their own unique skills.

You also need to improve the way the player moves and attacks (in the first fight). It's pretty uncommon to use the left button to attack in this kind of game. The acceleration was a bit slow compared to the animation speed.

I hope my comment can help you grow. Good luck!

You were supposed to stare at an object, not move the pointer nonstop 😅

You could play the Windows version, which is more polished than the WebGL version. Don't forget to use an earphone or headphone for the best experience. And if you want to rate the game, you could rate the WebGL version as a jam version. Thanks!

I love the cuteness of the art, which is supported by music and sound effects that are very enjoyable. Insanely fun to play!

Done :')

No, no, no, big no, I gave up. Knowing that your game will destroy the rest of my day, I stop it.

I have no words for your game. I would say the game is fun—and frustrating—but it would be much more fun if someone, especially a YouTuber, played it, and I just sat eating popcorn and laughed at his frustation.

I know you laughed at your player >:

Then let's laugh together. I've bought us a sack of popcorn xD

Done :)

I get the concept, and it'll have potential if you polish the game more.

At some point, the boss shot a laser continuously, without any randomness. There are some parts of the boss that should also shoot a laser. And the boss didn't fully rotate 360 degrees. Maybe due to the time limit (or because you guys got a panic attack [I felt it]), you guys can't make it on time.

The bullets are too big for me, and maybe you can put the camera behind the spaceship and move with it so the player can calculate accurately where exactly the boss' bullets are, although the player can switch perspectives. In exchange, you can increase the boss' bullet speed. I thought you made the 2D one to avoid the bullets and the 3D one to avoid the lasers.

And you probably use another key, like A, Z, or any other key, to switch and a key next to it to shoot. For example, A to switch and S to shoot, or vice versa.

Last, I got a trick to abuse the game. You just move the spaceship to the very bottom or top. While the player shoots the boss, there are no boss' bullets that can damage the player :)

Good luck, guys!

Done :)