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A member registered Jul 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Did you get to a corner and all surrounding keys were used? There should be a safeguard against it but guess it doesn't work always then. You can also refresh the page and it will continue from the same spot.

Also, having sounds on helps a lot on solving that puzzle.

There is no pause screen. You can just do it anywhere.

Yea alt/win keys are a bit problematic. And it really depends on the mini game whether it can cause issues or not I guess. I think usually on those one step at a time levels it should poll the surrounding keys for the key you press and use that. Wonder why it thought you were pressing a too far one if there was a closer one too. 🤔 But even if you do a bit of a blunder and fill your keys kinda dumb, I don't think any level is unbeatable with pretty much just the letter keys.

Dang, no idea. Did it get stuck on that level and not let you progress to next one?

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Oh nice you did it! Congrats! 🎉

I think your first one might have been a broken one. It depends on which alt world version you're in and wether you have the grail or not.

I don't plan on merging the leaderboards really as I've intentionally made daily modifiers that can completely change the game and scoring. But I've been thinking of adding like a all time statistics leaderboard or something along those lines so that doing well wouldn't be that much lost forever.

And obviously you do get to keep the hat and the wings! Kinda why I added that today's modifier. Like a "bit" of a nudge for people achieving it. But still not too easy to pull off. I was eagerly waiting for this one to appear. And then I completely botched my own run... 😅

That's a pretty neat curse idea. Fits thematically and not too oppressive yet still having some effect.

Well these 1 and 2 are pretty weird. No idea why a new trapped one would appear. There is only supposed to be two of them (half of starting five rounded down). And I have no idea what killed you there. The heretic would not spawn if the spot was somehow blocked and they only activate once you leave the space anyway. Boss did the stomp so somehow he thinks you're stuck.

The third case is pretty clear but luckily not very common one.

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So it basically means that it will be placed randomly in the middle of other relics. Even in the today's daily it is placed between the other two modifiers thus disabling them both.

How did you manage to jam yourself in there? And yeah the robes are animated via physics so getting lodged in a wall will mess them up.

Kinda yes but only kinda. Usually they should push each other off anyways and it would have been too much work to figure out to solve (during the original weekend of dev time). It shouldn't allow you to do any too crazy tricks and shouldn't get you stuck any way as you can always just pick one of them back up again.

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Ohh right, you had that relic that makes heretics skip turns and that's why he wasn't moving and towards you where that wildcarded fibo tile would have then smited him. I wondered that what was going on there.

Looks like for the whole fight that was you biggest hurdle all the time really always screwing up with the "placed traps" but blink with all those different wildcards really carried hard!

But you actually got a good use out of that skill on the normal levels afterwards. I think I've kinda overlooked the usefulness of it a bit myself. I guess I should indicate that amounts of stun on the enemies themselves somewhere so you'd be more easily able to know whether they'll move or not. Would make the skill more usable and make planning around it easier.

So the definitions are pulled from some API which I don't quite remember but I don't always use the top results to add some variety. And hey, you can actually learn something (interesting) by seeing some of the ones you probably didn't mean yourself.

The instant death in that scenario is intended (kinda). If you play a tile and can't walk to it (no matter why really, if it's blocked on otherwise unreachable) the level ending will trigger and in case of boss levels, they'll do the stop and hurt you for each unfilled square.

But the heretic being off the tile is something I have no clue about (and shouldn't happen either). I guess it was on that other tile but somehow decided to move even though the boss destroyed the tile it was going to move to...

Haha, nice! Yea it'd be cool. Always a good to get some extra insight on how the players are actually playing the game...

Thanks! Fixed now.

True, you can not leave legacies in dailies anyway. So basically yes it doesn't do anything there. Same thing kinda when you have a daily mod and excommunication which then immediately disables the mod.

Using the multi is intended for it. Almost all score additions are multiplied that way. You can actually even use that pot in the middle of movement to have even bigger multiplier.

Right right, so it registers the click on skip on that same exit button press. You can close the menu by clicking the deck again or by hitting V too in the meantime.

Hmm, that's a tricky one. On one had yes it would be nice to get an option in a scenario like yours. I could mark some potions as "do not end if this is unused" but that wouldn't be great either as the player might not want to use it for say a one missed tile damage. Prompting would be better but I don't really like that too much either as that's basically giving like a freebie out. I wonder if having an extended duration before the breaking starts. 🤔 Something short enough that it wouldn't get annoying if you didn't want to do anything but long enough that you could reasonably react and quaff a pot.

I wouldn't be willing to take that bet... 😜

Going for the ending is fully optional. You won't do it by accident 😉

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Actually I already nerfed it for the upcoming patch. It gonna be only once per level but you can stack it up to five. And what I've played with it so far, it feels pretty good. 

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Yeah, blanks can indeed be powerful at filling some nooks on the board but also meant to be dangerous and annoying when they and up in your hand or deck or if used haphazardly.

It is intentional that smite doesn't trigger when heretic spawns on a PB tile. If it did, I think it would be maybe too easy to use and very much on the too good spectrum on power. Now you need to do a bit of planning to actually use that properly.

It actually is already shown on UI. It says "pick your rewards" if you've got multiple and after picking the first, it'll say "pick x more" etc.

Yup, it will be on everything referring a gem.

Everyone will get the exact same RNG. So all chests for example will have the same options (unless they've branched off and can no longer get some relic etc) and so on.

Yea that is the "strat" for bosses as far as I know too. So farm points until you run out of options and have to grab the chest or cross. The boss damages you for every unfilled square on the board if you can't place anything anymore. So you should have opened the chest on your last tile. Then the boss would not damage you and would reshuffle all tiles back to your deck.

Nah it was me just testing and I deleted it afterwards.

True, might need to do some tweaking to banker too. I wanted to make him a bit of a gamble like "can you still make it far enough to meet him again". And I guess the purple key too. 🤔 But yeah, contrite is the reason you can dodge all curses (or any other unwanted relics) completely and therefore avoid a big chunk of the "endgame" difficulty on actually making runs end.

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1. Penance actually puts a card from your hand back to deck before drawing so if you have no deck you will put one card back there and then immediately draw it back to your hand. I can't find any issue with how it works now. Got any more details if you got it to somehow generate endless cards?

2. Yes the gem generation (or actually reverting them back) had some issues (on other levels too). They sometimes indeed were semi-permanent even though they shouldn't. Fixed already for the next patch.

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Doesn't look like that's the case. I have no idea why your score wouldn't have been saved...

Also after playing today's daily I'm starting to see that contrite might actually be a bit too good. It completely prevents you ending up with curses in the late game and gives you loads of points on top of that. Might need to limit it to maybe once per level or something... 🤔

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I only see one score (117) from you yesterday on there. I have no other loggings or anything extra, just the scores that are submitted.

I wonder if it could be actually possible that my backend can't handle so big numbers and failed to save because of that. I'll investigate after work and see if that could be the case. I guess if it is, it's proof enough.

And doesn't matter which button you hit on the end, the score should be saved at that point already.

Yes, exactly.

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Well yeah, if you look at the picture I posted above earlier, that's pretty much the same as your suggestion 😉👍

Also, telling that they're specific color gems is I guess necessary too. One player said that they were confused about those earlier on. Cause you can encounter relics that refer to them before actually ever seeing any gems at all.

Yeah I guess I should ignore exact dupes for those as well. Still allowing a dupe with different colors of course though.

I guess they've used different computer/browser, incognito or something like that.

Or maybe "have both effects" 🤔

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Viewable deck, yes, it's a good idea. I actually did even think about it for the initial release but hit the 13k size limit fairly quickly and couldn't really squeeze it in in favour of some actual content. But yes, now I can (kinda forgot about it and grew accustomed to playing without it myself) and will add it in for the next patch! And seeing them in a correct order might indeed be nice as a relic (I've done this too on some past deckbuilder games of mine).

True, wildcard description is pretty vague. Will find a way to improve these too.

Blanks are kinda intentionally "bad". To do have a purpose with shouldn't be used all willy nilly because they can block you off or do exactly what happened to you. Allowing to place them would have few problems. For one, they wouldn't follow the same rules as other tiles. All other tiles can block paths but must be placed so that they connect and therefore the character will also find a path and move there. Not adding them to deck could work but again, it would be a special behaviour conflicting with how everything else works.

Good luck! It's only a matter of time (and luck) with the consistency you seem to be pulling off those top tier scores. 👍

Thanks! True, they shouldn't. Looks like some similar effects had the same issue. Fixed for the next patch coming out later today.

I think I may have the solution even though I haven't been able to reproduce this anymore after the first round of fixes. I think it's somehow caused by timing issues and/or ordering of things when heretics move at the same time the cross is grabbed. But the heretics shouldn't even be allowed to move at that point since you move first, grab the cross, boss does it's thing as it's getting hurt and then when it would be the heretic's turn to move, there actually are no more tiles to move to. So I think making them just not even try to take their turn on that scenario would fix this issue.

He is the pope guy who sells all sorts of good items for heretic souls, including the DD potion. Speaking of which, I should probably add contrite to his inventory too if that's your favourite. 😂 The normal potion vendor (Pseudo-Gerber) can sell dupes.

I do have a dev build up at if you wanna play around and try to see how you've made it get stuck. Basically you can skip to the fourth boss level by hitting E (it also gives you a bunch of 4-way PB tiles). You can get free relics/cards by hitting P/C. It's random though so might need a bit of cycling around to find smite or what ever you want. Basically almost all keys do something. 😅 Umm what could be important... K kills random heretic and D redraws one tile from the deck.

Actually, chaos six pack respects the "only one DD pot per game" rule and so does Pontiff.  When I said you could gamble for them, I meant the chaos brew potion which has a completely random potion effect. But of course very risky as it can instantly kill you or fully wipe your score.

I don't like the look of decimal values so that's why I only hop to next suffix after 10. And of course there is the whole point versus comma thing too (I think you guys use comma too right).

I will push an update tomorrow no matter what. If I can't solve this, I'll disable the boss heretic spawns.