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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow. The intro got me hooked immediately. I liked The Building 71 Incident already, but this... You absolutely know what you're doing and I'm looking forward to more of your games. This is one of the best horror games I've played, I only wish it explored something else than just guilt - that's kinda become the default in psychological horror.

Fantastic usage of the VHS mechanic.

It feels fantastic, the atmosphere is great, and the weapon sounds are punchy. My only complaint is that enemies lose their heads too fast. I'm looking forward to the full game.

Oh hell, that sucks. It happened to me a few times, too - every time I moved my map into a different directory. There's something about how maps are saved that was changed in UE5 (if you were using that) and it's buggy as hell.

Congrats for #1. Absolutely deserved, it was my favorite submission.

Thank you for your feedback! I see your point with the wall jumps, I can definitely fine-tune that more. The speed boost probably worked for you, it's just hard to feel in most sections because the game is fast already.

Thank you for the detailed feedback! I can definitely see the improvements in the mechanics you mention. Some people said that the small blocks are difficult to land on without seeing your feet, but a shadow is a fantastic compromise.

Right, I missed the first safe zone entirely and didn't even make it to the stairs. Knowing that, I finally finished the game. The 2 jumpscares after the emergency door got me good (though I really dislike jumpscares) but the game got really stressful near the end with the increased stress and lack of safe zones, which was nice. The stress level should decrease faster though, I was waiting forever in the first zone

(3 edits)

I can't believe this was developed in under a week. One of the most fleshed-out games I've played here. The cleaning mechanic feels immersive and is a great way to lead the player to story pieces and other events.

I'm a bit confused by the story, though. The letter "The slow down signs haven't been here recently" made it obvious to me that we hit a child or something and disposed of it, but I can't see any connection with the actual ending.

I had the same issue, you need to press S first and then it works again

I really dig the atmosphere and the voice acting is a nice addition, but the running dummy near the exit (?) always gets me. Thanks for not blowing up my ears when I get caught! Is there any way to decrease the stress level?

Thank you for playing! I've always been terrible at bunny-hopping in CS :D

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it! Mirror's Edge is one of my all-time favorites, too :)

Haha sorry, I might have made the map a bit harder than necessary :)

I hope you could enjoy it anyway!

I think you only need to set the packaging build from Debug (or Development?) to Shipping. This deactivates all debugging features automatically 

There were no enemies and I just died when I dashed into an invisible wall? But the idea seems nice

It seems that you uploaded a debug build with all the debug features (print messages, visible collision boxes) enabled

The game didn't continue after the first day when Gresom finished his dialogue in the school hallway. But the story seemed quite nice

Next time I go near a volcano I'll make sure to bring my Roomba with me

Great work! By far the most competent game I've played in the jam so far. I couldn't figure out the secret score though.

I couldn't even make it through the first obstacle where wall runs are explained. The controls and jump delays are really confusing and I just kept dropping off the wall before I could do anything

Great work on the animations and particle effects. The combo system surprised me. Unfortunately, the last enemy in the lab got stuck behind the wall in one of the rooms I can't enter, and without Fury I couldn't force pull him out.

Jesus Christ, is the parade what I think it is? :D

That's a fun concept. How do you save the granny?

I can't run the game, you need to upload it with the other packaged files.

Wow, this was difficult but fun. Interesting interpretation of the "superpowers" theme. Designing interesting puzzles is not easy, but you did a really good job at it. A pretty unique experience (for me), but I have to admit I gave up in the puzzle in the screenshot

I love how you used the contrasts and different colors! I got stuck in the second room of the dark world, unfortunately. I found the block in the white world, but it felt way too big to explore.

Neat! I like the fire obstacles and how the gameplay switches to 2D inside the walls.

I really like the cover image, but I didn't understand what I need to do in the game. You should add the objective and the controls to the description until you add UIs

(1 edit)

It's 100% blueprints. Although I wish I knew how to do C++ in Unreal Engine because the wall-running logic became really difficult to read.

Thank you for playing! The edges are quite buggy, unfortunately, but I found that they can at least save you from death when you just barely reach the platforms :)

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Can you elaborate on the problem with the SFX? They were not working in the first upload and I admit that the music is much louder in the current version, but generally, most mechanics should have them

Hmm, I like the atmosphere and the climbing mechanic, but I didn't really understand what my goal is. I found potions of different colors, but I couldn't track how many I have and where I need to go with them.

You weren't lying about the panic :D

I really enjoyed this, definitely one of the most fleshed-out games in the jam. 

Good combination of the 2 different worlds, it was quite atmospheric. I like the gameplay idea, but I found it very frustrating that you always need to guess where the platforms in the other dimensions are. There was too much lot of trial & error, but it's on the right track to a fun game :)

Oh, a clicker game with a unique twist and pretty aesthetics. I enjoyed this. It would be nice if you still accumulated resources in the other dimension after switching

(1 edit)

Hmm, I didn't find the FPS part very enjoyable and the styles of the zombie phase and the nanobot phase don't go well together. But I like the general idea and I think you could make more out of the nanobot phase. The zombie part definitely needs some kind of hit feedback and enemies that are less tanky

I have no idea where I need to go, is the gameplay not finished? I like the title screen though.

Wow, this was really hard. I found it a bit confusing that the obstacles you can touch with 1 color are sometimes visible and sometimes invisible. But I really like the idea and the aesthetics.