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A member registered Sep 04, 2014 · View creator page →

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  • It could be a tycoon game about a festival in your country.
  • A puzzle/platformer where you need to go to different places to "activate" different artifacts needed to start a celebration
  • A cooking game about traditional foods
  • A game about Santa Claus delivering presents for Christmas (or some other festivity in another country)
  • A game about traditional textiles, similar to this
  • A rhythm game with traditional music

You can interpret the game as you see fit. You can make it about a tradition of a specific country, time of the year, or even past traditions such as medieval knights' traditions or traditions of different places and times. Even fictional traditions of alien species or something that you create as a narrative. Just take into consideration that you'll need to explain the tradition in some way as adherence to the theme will be one of the factors the game will be judged upon. 

Check the theme reveal video for inspiration

Here's the first paragraph of Wikipedia about tradition:

A tradition is a belief or behavior (folk custom) passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. A component of cultural expressions and folklore, common examples include holidays or impractical but socially meaningful clothes (like lawyers' wigs or military officers' spurs), but the idea has also been applied to social norms such as greetings. Traditions can persist and evolve for thousands of years—the word tradition itself derives from the Latin tradere literally meaning to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping. While it is commonly assumed that traditions have an ancient history, many traditions have been invented on purpose, whether that be political or cultural, over short periods of time. Various academic disciplines also use the word in a variety of ways.   More Info

Take the time to brainstorm and think about a compelling idea that adjusts to the theme.

Hello, we've received some questions regarding the pitch presentation. The most important information is how will you improve the game in case you win the prize money. If you have planned more content or extra features please describe them. Include basic information about the game, genre, target audience, and monetization plans.  Also, evidence that helps convince the judges you can commit to releasing the game. This can be other games you've worked on and launched, previous experience of your team working together, or other projects.

Here are some examples

Template by Gwen Foster

Illuminaria 2020

Illuminaria 2022

Those presentations were made with different audiences in mind. You don't have to include all the slides, just the ones that make sense to you in this specific case.

Yes, you can do so.

You can interpret the game as you see fit. You can make it about a tradition of a specific country, time of the year, or even past traditions such as medieval knights' traditions or traditions of different places and times. Even fictional traditions of alien species or something that you create as a narrative. Just take into consideration that adherence to the theme will be one of the factors the game will be judged upon. 

Check the theme reveal video for inspiration

Here's the first paragraph of Wikipedia about tradition:

A tradition is a belief or behavior (folk custom) passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. A component of cultural expressions and folklore, common examples include holidays or impractical but socially meaningful clothes (like lawyers' wigs or military officers' spurs), but the idea has also been applied to social norms such as greetings. Traditions can persist and evolve for thousands of years—the word tradition itself derives from the Latin tradere literally meaning to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping. While it is commonly assumed that traditions have an ancient history, many traditions have been invented on purpose, whether that be political or cultural, over short periods of time. Various academic disciplines also use the word in a variety of ways.   More Info

Take the time to brainstorm and think about a compelling idea that adjusts to the theme.

Anyone from anywhere is welcome to join :) 

You can interpret the theme as you see fit. You can make a game about a tradition of your country or from another or even make a fictional tradition if that fits into your game concept.

You don't need to include any Latinx characters in your game. 

Judges should not prefer Latinx-related games to others. The games will be judged on quality, creativity, and relation to the theme.

I’m sorry I couldn’t reply when you asked. The theme is Tradition. 

Register here:

Me gustó, casi lo gano :P

Thank you very much for playing it!

Muchas felicidades por llegar a la final!!

Me salió igual al que hace mi mamá 

Muchas gracias :D

Hice un video con los juegos, puedes ver el tuyo aquí.  Solo que no me recordaba de que tenía que encender la linterna después de revivir perdón, pero lo volví a jugar otro ratito jeje.  


Hola, hice un video con los juegos, pueden ver el de ustedes a partir del minuto 15 más o menos

Hice un video con los juegos.  El tuyo está de primero.  Me gustó mucho, solo que no he podido ganar, soy medio mala XD pero por si lo querés ver está aquí 

This is a nice one, be sure to check it out 

Only one at the moment, and lots of bugs. Thank you for trying it :D

Thank you very much for playing it!!! It was really fun to see your video!.  I'm sorry the audio doesn't work (for an unknown reason at the moment) on the web version.  I will put a warning and recommend to download the windows version.

Thanks again for taking the time to play and record it :)

I think that's a good idea. Thank you.

It has!  You have to click on the cave. Top right corner.  I guess it's in a bad position, so it's not clearly seen.  We will improve that in the next version. And thank you for playing  :D

Me gustaron mucho las gráficas y los colores que utilizaste. Muy buen trabajo :)

Good job! Nice art! Needs instructions on how to operate the gun an missile :P Buen jam!

Felicitaciones! está muy interesante la mecánica del juego. Tal vez sería mejor si subieran un zip/rar con el exe y el folder de Data que genera Unity, será más fácil para los demás probarlo así. Ya que sólo el exe no corre, necesita de los otros archivos.

Pero está bueno el juego y me dio un montón de risa lo de las gallinas. Buen trabajo :)

Buen jam! Buen juego! Buena música :D

I really liked the story, but I guess I got a bad ending :P. Good job!

Interesante concepto :P

Está bastante bueno.  ¡Felicidades! :D

Está bonito :D.  Bonitas gráficas y bonito estilo de juego. Buena idea.  ¡Buen trabajo!

John Snow! Está bonito. ¡Hagan más pantallas! :D

Está divertido.  ¡Felicidades!

¡Muy bonito! Felicidades. Las gráficas están bien bonitas.  Bonita idea.  Bien ejecutada :D  

Al inicio me costó un poco apuntar, pero después ya aprendí como. Me gustaron bastante los modelos de las otrres y de la nave alien. También la pantalla de inicio del juego. Tengo el record de 116, a ver si alguien me gana :D ¡Felicitaciones a todos!

Buen trabajo chicos. El juego funciona muy bien y muy bonito el arte y las animaciones :D

¡Bien calidad! felicitaciones :D

Está bonito, muchas felicidades :)