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Aim studios

A member registered May 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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The rounded font looks really nice.

The art looks really good. I especially like the sense of depth shown by the houses. Really well-made.

Totally agree. Probably the most underrated gaming portal.

Very nice.

Thank you so much for playing the game and the kind words. I'm glad you liked it :)

Hey, thank you so much for the advice. I've heard people talk about hue shifting but didn't understand what that was really. I guess I also didn't  think it was that important. Your comment made a lot of sense. 

Never thought of using pre-made color pallettes, but I'll try it. And thanks for suggesting lospec,  I'm sure it'll come helpful.

I go with pixel art mostly. The kind with slightly less saturation and contrast giving a "dry" feel to my pieces. Pixel art because it's a lot easier for me to work with it. The only downside is that I often have a hard time figuring out good color combinations and usually end up with mismatches. I always try to keep it simple and minimalistic with less shadows and textures and more plain surfaces. Also give sprites bold colored outlines, usually of a dark color close to black.

(1 edit)

I loved the experience. The community is very friendly, the interface is simple and nice and it's very easy to publish your projects. The support is active and was very helpful for me.

Overall, very indie-friendly.

Godot. Because it's light, fast, simple and easy to learn. It has both C# and gdscript support ( I prefer gdscript as it is more integrated into the engine). And above all it is free and open-source.


Not sure if you'd like this but I've just released my first speedrunning game. Its a simple 1 bit game with a minimalistic art style. There are currently no sound effects or anything as it's still being developed. 

Hope you like it.

Orb - speedrunner

Oh I'm not on discord, that's why I posted this as a topic.

Thank you for the reply.

Pixel studio and GIMP for pixel and digital arts, Godot for game engine. Godot's in-built GDScript editor and visual studio code are my favourite IDEs.


I have made and submitted an asset pack to this jam but I feel like I could add one more item to the pack. Can I edit the pack (it's content) now or would it be against the rules? 

(2 edits)

Just released a top-down race cars asset pack. Check it out if you're interested.

Also I'm not very good at pixel art and have a lot to improve, so completely open to ( and really encourage ) critics and suggestions.

Will update the pack soon. Hope you like the art : )

Thanks :) 

Hey, we have just published our new asset pack.  Pixel-art explosions

The asset pack currently consists of eight different pixel art explosion sprite-sheets and we're planning on expanding it. Please let us know what new kinds of explosion sprite sheets you would like to see.

We're open to suggestions and criticisms.

You can find the art asset pack on our page. We provide a link here :