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I'm Davide, 31 years old, a digital entrepreneur and a programmer (data analyst) for the past 13 years. In the last year and a half, I've delved into game development, which has always been my passion, and lately, I've been getting into Visual Novel development.

I primarily develop in Godot and GDScript, but as a Data Analyst who works daily in Python, I've approached game development in Pygame, and therefore Ren'Py shouldn't pose any problems (although I still prefer using a generic engine like Godot to more easily integrate any kind of needed mechanics).

As an investor, I'm happy to fund projects of this kind, but there are some poorly worded clauses in your request.

If you're asking for a programmer, without decision making power, who isn't paid, that's not something feasible, and in that case, I'm not interested.

If you're looking for a publisher to handle marketing and distribution, you won't find one for free. They may not necessarily insist on changing design choices, but they usually take at least a 30% cut. However, I am not a publisher and do not operate as one.

What I do is assimilate projects in Revenue Sharing, where I acquire the project, and profits are divided based on the work ratio of the parties involved. I may also be willing to accept clauses like not interfering with artistic direction. Naturally, this is provided that I like the graphics and the story. However, remember that game design, as ugly as it may sound, rarely exceeds 30% of the project's value.

Obviously, in case you were looking for a partner, with whom to co-divide the project, the situation would change, but no partner would dedicate months of work without having decision-making power

In any case, I am more than willing to evaluate your idea, if necessary, after signing an NDA, and then discuss the terms further.

Best regards, 



"If you're asking for a programmer, without decision making power, who isn't paid, that's not something feasible, and in that case, I'm not interested." This. This right here. This is something that someone should tell them, I was going to say that exact thing too. I feel like this is something that isn't said to beginner game devs enough. If I wanted to start up a barber shop, I do not go to professional, licensed barbers and say "hey, I know you spent years honing your craft and earning your license, but I want you to come work at my shop for free. When you work with me, you do exactly as I say, you're working as an employee, and I decide your hours for you." I see asking anyone in the game dev industry to do work for free the same as dming a commission artist to ask if they will draw something for free or for "exposure". It's ridiculous to ask people who spend a lot of time and money learning how to do something and buying the tools to do that something well, to give up their time to do all this work just so they can get what they want, without giving a single thing in return. It's parasitic, and I wish there were more people like you who would tell these people the truth.