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Intern in space – planet`s explorer

Pixel art for today based on videogame Kyouryuu Sentai Juuranger.It is game based on Power Ranger or similar characters. Just with Japan. Very style in these rangers. And I for myself have a cartridge with this game. There are several parts of this game. Game is good. Sprites are big. It has good gameplay. Only everything in Japan. I like this game!

And this is drawing about similar theme by me. It is sixties, 20 century, it was a new step in life of planet Earth. It was a going forward progress. Space. Another planets. Space ships. It was spent about ten years. Or twenty years. And before horizons there are another nearest planets. It is a fashion about profession of planet explorer. Space explorer was a fashion profession. It requires engineer knowledge and physical training.

You are one of theme. Planets PP-10 dot 02. It is a planet. Conditional, it is something like Earth. But to walk there, it is good to have spacesuit. And blaster. Phaser at stun mode. Here at this planet, there is its own liveliness. Little animals. Big snakes. But maybe you will be a friends with them later. But later.

And planet has its own atmosphere. And similar to Earth plants and animals. But with another origin. And it is very interesting for explorer. Collect examples. Learning new events. Which even cannot go into your head, that it is also a possible way.

 Yellow fashion suit – spacesuit of intern you have. And explore this planet. And this is your first walk to the planet. You need to reach a buildings of this planet. There are exists here, a buildings. And you will jump not only though holes, but also a local liquid. And also, a platforms. Which are flying with some energy. And to reach a big building. As a pyramid. So, it was here a civilization. And something works automatic way even these days.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.