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3 FEB 2024:

If you look at last week's GIF, you'll notice that the forward gun "jumps" when it fires. This was a bug I noticed just after I posted my devlog. As it turns out, this bug was present in several other firing positions as well. I tried manually adjusting the coordinates and still couldn't get it to line up or display properly. I'm sure if I kept at it I'd figure it out, but troubleshooting it was taking quite a bit of time. In the end, I decided to revert back to the old battleship code and untrimmed images. One step back, two steps forward . . . 

- All 4 battleships draw to the screen and fire correctly. No "jumping" bugs.

- After doing some tests, I concluded that the trimmed battleship images didn't really improve performance all that much. Trimmed and untrimmed versions of the battleship still exhibit noticeable lag. But the real cause of this is not so much the battleship as the background which covers the whole screen and is drawn every iteration. So I might have to regulate the larger enemies like the battleships and carriers to "deep space" levels where the background is mostly black with no large background images to process. 

- To finish the battleships, I need to re-add the code for damage and make sure some of the animations still work.


"Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared." -- George Clason

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!