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This is fantastic dude, nice work. The level of polish is so high, and the core premise and execution is great. I went through 5 or so battles and had fun. 

My feedback is that parts of it feel a little over-designed. The premise of solitaire is that it's simple, fun, satisfying, an easy way to spend some time. So tapping into that with an auto-battler is really smart. But a lot of the skills, effects, extra mechanics, are working against that. If I'm being honest about my experience, I really loved clicking cards and finding "paths" to maximize how many I could click. But when I get to the skills, and statuses, and other mechanical bric-a-brac, I felt like I just wanted to skip past it and ignore it. I wanted to get back to clicking cards, not read some really dense and complicated rules situation in these skills I was getting.

There is an impulse when designing, to feel like it's not enough, and I need to add X Y and Z feature. But the core here is strong enough to stand on it's own. It's worth protecting.