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I'm a bit late, I made a video of me playing the game, that way you can see how someone who  always comes in last during multiplayer sessions plays. Hope you don't Hadal Rage at all the errors I make while playing it, but that's, uhh, valuable bottom-skill player feedback:

Like I mention at the end, I really like the game, I love its variety of weapons and artifacts (even the bouncy ones) and I think it really shines during hectic combat, be it online multiplayer or single player (you can see in some of the boss fights and in the one spawn with the rotating platforms and the turret at the bottom, things are getting heated). 


 Some of the boss attack patterns you were having trouble with were intended to be dealt with using the boost (right-click) which can reflect them. These bosses were intended to be fought later in a more fleshed-out campaign when the player was more familiarized with that tool.

Thank you so much for playing! I do miss the multiplayer stream days.