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Visually Impressive stuff. Very nice animations and visual effects. Very high quality. I'm surprised this can be achieved in just 10 days.

Now, It really needs some music and sound effects, they really add to all the action.

Now on the weak points:

The introduction to the game mechanics was a little of a bomb of information. It would be great if you can introduce the player little by little to each skill. I'm actually now sure how they affected my gameplay, the only one I remember is the higher jump. I didn't had the need of the shadow or the kill everyone in sight. And this is because the monster programming needs a little bit of work.

For example, if I stay still in the initial house, nothing can kill me. The skeletons can't jump, and the flying monsters start the attack until they come in contact with my character, so the attack collision happens much after the flying monster passed me, and always fail. I tried it standing like a minute and nothing hit me.

The game objectives were fine, except for the worm. Omg, the worm. It really felt a drag killing so many worms, because they only stay at the corners of the map, and one you get a hit, you gotta kill them again, and they spawn very far from each other.

The kill contact needs some tweaking because sometimes I'm not sure if I killed the monster or not. There is like a little wait time between the sword kill and the actual kill animation and feels weird and confusing.

Also, there is a faulty collider somewhere in the edges of the map because I was able to somehow jump to the right side of the right house and I was not able to return. If it is configured as Discrete, it may not be fast enough for some movement instances of my character, I'm guessing the highest jump. Or maybe the high jump is higher than the collider.

Even with all that this is an amazing job. One day I hope I can get to do something as cool as this.

As a player, I would say the basic idea is interesting, but the mechanics need some rethinking, and that's because I know you are planning on continuing the game and make it bigger (as implied by the ending of the game). Is better to get the action gameplay very enjoyable and with that the rest of the game will be great. I think it has the potential to be. Best of luck!

P.D: Isn't the character more ninja than samurai?, samurais don't tend to use techniques as shadows since they were not about hiding, as ninjas were. Just so you check it out.


This is the picture of the collider i jumped

I completely forgot to adjust the colliders, it’s true that it makes some missions easier. :)

Thank you for these details, I’m taking notes for the continuation of the game. :)

Initially, the character had no designation, then I named him, but I didn’t really check if his powers were consistent with his status. I should have. I will certainly correct the character’s powers.

Glad you finished the game. :)