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Damn, this is some serious progress. Well done man. The game is getting really good. Absolutely love the new intro. Visually, everything looks better and more crisp too. Most importantly, the play experience is really smooth. It no longer feels crushingly difficult or tedious at all. In fact, it's starting to feel quite fun! I tried to go nuts on aggressive symbols, and just shred people. Then Spike got me good. I will go back with more defense next time I face him. That sort of thing is a lot of fun, experimenting and seeing what works. It feels great when I get a giant web of red symbols though and just shred an enemy like they're nothing.

Keep doing what you're doing. 

Oh yeah, one small suggestion. You have hover tooltips on lots of things which are great. They might be nice on the actual reels too though. Because sometimes when my reels stop, I can't quite remember what each symbol does. Being able to hover over it and see a tooltip would be nice.

Thanks for playing! Your feedback over the last few Demo Days was hugely helpful.

Hovering over tooltips on the slot machine itself used to be a thing, but got removed since the actions execute automatically all the time. The tooltip might go away before you're done reading. However, even that is probably better than not having them at all so I'll probably re-add this feature.

Ah yeah, I hadn't thought about that. Perhaps the tooltip could only disappear once you move your mouse? Might lead to some strange behavior, but just throwing an idea out there :)