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The concept idea is really great, turning the 3D mesh to a 2D one to help navigate through the level is great, though locating these places where you squeeze yourself through was quite tough with the level environment being so similar, I think adding a place hint for level required areas is better but not for the hear areas

The heart collection addition is a great choice, they’re well-hidden and it’s satisfying to find them

Got stuck on the second level :D, I really wish finding the squeezing areas was easier, great game overall


Thank you for playing and for your indepth feedback! The way through second level is definitely more difficult to find than I realized, it needs a hefty overhaul.

I did try playing your game, but as a solo player I wasn't good enough to handle two screens at once and so I couldn't give you a proper review. :(

(1 edit)

It’s fine, even I couldn’t test it well since I had no one to test it with :D

Yes, I forgot to mention, the camera can get really grazy if it was close to the toa wall, please fix this too