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I saw your comment in the discord server that the best way to win was the parry and block a lot. That's very definitely correct! Trying to run from the enemies is certain doom, but standing up to them with my shield held aloft led to great success! In fact the first two enemies become the hardest obstacle because they take a bit longer to attack than the others, meaning you need to delay the shield a bit to stagger them.

The first time I played, with the Windows download version, there was no music. It wasn't until I checked the credits that I saw music was included, on the second play it worked properly and the browser version didn't have any problems with it.

I'll also note that you can avoid either the middle left or middle right enemy and still get the victory pop-up, since only the last three enemies appear to be required for that.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I'm really happy that you enjoyed the game
That's really strange for the music not working at first launch it never happned during the tests, i may suspect that unity didn't give the game the "main window" so Windows didn't recognize it like the actual window (like when you alt-tab to be clear).
Yeah the Red Knight are in fact the "Boss" so are the ones only needed to actually finish the game