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I get that! I have no problem with people wanting to search for that in specific, tag exclusion should exist by now, but my point is just that a straight tag initself wasnt necessary since straight content is so prominent you can just scroll past. However I get that one may be necessary now due to a lack of tag exclusion if thats what youre specifically looking for


In theory. But not gonna fly.  For any such thing, there have to be accurate tags in the first place. No one would bother to tag "straight", even if it existed.

I know from visual and kinetic novels. Even though a kinetic novel tag exists, have fun finding games that clearly tag it.   With luck, it is written in the description somewhere (yeah, some do tag it, but let me exaggarate). Should you not know what a kinetic novel is, it is visual novel where you can only press next. That is the only interaction possible. For me that is a movie and not a game. While there is nothing wrong with kinetics,    I would not want to see them, when looking for games.