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(1 edit)

Sometimes I spot a bad translation in French, go to Weblate, but notice that there are already change suggestions in the Things to check section. The suggestions are good and correspond to the fix I was thinking of, so I try to click on Vote up or Accept button (not sure what the difference is if I don’t have admin rights; as I probably cannot just Accept something by myself?)

But then I’m sent on a new page that says: “The translation has come to an end.”

I’ve searched this string and other users got it on other Weblate projects, but don’t have a clue either. Does it mean it’s impossible for us to improve the translation at this point? Because we really need to fix those bad strings.

OK, even weirder now. After logging in and making sure French was set as my primary target language, I’m searching for the string again and this time I get “No string matched your search!”. I’m now unable to even find the bad string I used to see. Am I missing something in the setup?

For info the bad string in question is “Ajouter à une collection déjà nommée”, but I’m more interested in the correct process to upvote and apply suggestions than this specific issue.

EDIT: just realized I found the exact same string one year ago but got a login issue according to my old post. Since then, I could properly log in with GitHub, now my issue is that I cannot easily search for a string.

So, I tried again and found that to search for a French string directly, I need to use Advanced query builder > change Source strings to Target strings and fill the field. Alternatively, use Custom search with target: "French string".

This actually works, but the reason why I couldn’t see the same as before was that in the meantime, the suggestion I voted up/accepted was actually properly accepted, so I had to search for the new string. But the change was not immediately reflected on, so I had the impression it wasn’t accepted yet.

So I have a few questions now:

  • how does voting/accept work? Should we just vote when we think it’s a good translation but want to wait if something better comes up, and accept when we’re sure it’s okay? Is Accept always immediate?
  • after a translation was accepted, how much time does it take to actually appear on the website?

Another thing is a UX issue with Weblate: after searching, you cannot have an overview of all matching results. You must get through them one by one by clicking on the next arrow, it’s very long! Is there another way? Otherwise that would deserve a feedback to Weblate’s team.