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I have a cool story about how I encountered video games. It's not probably quite what happened and I may have embellished it in my mind, but I like it!

When I was about 5 years old, I encountered the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System at a friend's house. What I remember most about it, is how the the underground level looked in Super Mario Bros 1. The way the coins glow in the dark on a CRT screen.

The video game was a mystery, an unknown, intriguing one. Back then nobody knew what was in a videogame, what there could be in a videogame.

Nowadays we of course have less of the mystery in certain terms, but as speedrunning or games like Elden Ring (and many others) show us, some of the mystery remains. I think that's why I keep playing video games, and it's also why I want to make them. The mystery endures.


My GF seemed a little shocked the 1st time she saw me playing my game with visible collision shapes.