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I really liked this, particularly the animations of the hands doing stuff with the eggs. I played it for maybe 20 minutes, collected I think four of the eggs, but then the game crashed when I went around the corner on the road near where the green sign is. Everything started shaking and some kind of monster fell down behind me, then it faded to black and segfaulted.

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you enjoyed it before that damned segfault. I had hoped there wouldn’t be any B.S. I’ll look into this.

(2 edits)

I cannot reproduce this bug on any of my systems for the life of me. I’ve made a few changes, but without knowing the cause for sure I’m can’t tell if they’ll work.

If you’re willing, here is a version with debug symbols, and you could tell me at least on which line the error occurs (via gdb or some other). That’d be appreciated.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hello, here’s the callstack:

#0  __GI__IO_fwrite (buf=0x814c212, size=1, count=6, fp=0x0) at iofwrite.c:37
#1  0x08064a6c in logic_end () at src/logic/logic.c:1248
#2  0x0805f8fa in performOneThing (n=0x8404940) at src/logic/logic.c:757
#3  0x08061abb in logic_update (dt=0.0163798276) at src/logic/logic.c:1076
#4  0x0804e8aa in main (argc=1, argv=0xffffd5b4) at src/fw.c:184

As far as I can tell, it seems to be failing to open the file handle to save the game, which is most likely due to denied permissions as that is how I prefer to run untrusted programs. Maybe you could make it print an error message so at least it’s easier to diagnose what the problem is?

Apologies for wasting your time.

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries. That chunk of code is exactly where the most suspicious stuff happens, so I’m glad the error was very mundane and not the spawn of Satan.

And yeah, bad error recovery is a common fault of mine. I’ll make one more update to fix that.

Thanks again for playing!