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  • Occasionally can't read the words due to either the opacity or them being over a white skeleton. Would suggest a colored outline
  • The timing aspect to defense seems annoying, especially since attacking while a defense is queued removes the defense. I'm also not sure it's possible to keep your combo meter in sections with a defense timer (maybe make it so defending stalls the combo timer)
  • After beating the boss a second time, I was told to name my 'new' power (same power as before I think). Entering the same name as I had used the first time caused me to use up a power charge despite me being in a menu.
  • On that note there should be some kinda indicator on screen of what word we picked for the power

Thank you for the feedback! About the 2nd point, that's by design. It adds some challenge to get the timing right. I'll consider changing it though. I'll see what I can do to address the rest of the issues.