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I'm definitely up for more sexy games; it seems strange to have sex as a punishment, though. like if there was a Mario game where every time you found a secret, you took a hit, it'd be like "you put secrets here for me to find, right? why are you punishing me for doing it? finding secrets is great."


i know right? i hate it when lewd games do that, lewd things should be part of normal gameplay, not a failure!

(1 edit)

Personally i like the concept. Having to test yourself on how much horny you can keep to yourself in order to get through the level. Other games I like with this playstyle are Forest of the Blue Skin, which does both reward you for playing good and for failing, and Ayura Crisis, which in turn for playing good you get to see multiple endings (this includes sex).

where can i download forest of the blueskin link would be dope