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I got a rather eerie vibe from this one, really makes you feel like you're running away from some creature that lurks in the forest.

I found this track somewhat repetitive in some spots but I'm starting to feel like that actually adds to the atmosphere. The lack of instruments (at least from I was able to hear) made me feel like I was alone, yet something was watching me.

Personally, I enjoyed it. Hopefully my nitpicks didn't come off as rude (If so I apologize)  Maybe I'll stop by later and have a listen to your other tracks.

Best of luck.

~ Star


I appreciate your comment, not rude at all, the repetitiveness maybe was me running out of ideas lol, but later I thought that when you are alone in the forest there isn't much happening until something happens so I decided to leave it like that :D

Also I would love to hear your comments on my other tracks, but don't expect them to be like this, most of the time is me experimenting with different things so everything kinda sounds very different...